

单词 Ghz
释义 GhzCOCA⁵⁹²²⁸BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺

1,000,000,000 periods per second近义词 gigacycle千兆周GC千兆周=gigacyc…gigahertz电十亿赫兹…gigacycle per second吉周每秒
A scheme for teleporting an unknown three- particle GHZ state from a sender to either one of two receivers through a non-maximally three-particle entangled GHZ state as quantum channel is proposed.
提出利用一个三粒子部分纠缠 GHZ态作为量子信道,实现三粒子 GHZ态从发送者传送给两个接收者中任意一个的概率隐形传态方案。 dictall

Drawing idea from the quantum secure direct communicationQSDC and the dense coding, we propose a novel quantum secret sharing QSS scheme with high efficiency based on the GHZ states.
利用量子安全直接通信和量子密集编码的思想,本文提出一个新的基于 GHZ三重态的高效量子秘密共享( QSS方案。 dictall

To explain all of this in detail, I am going to bring you on a long journey through my frustration at trying to achieve4.0 GHz on a32 bit OS.
要详细解释这一切,我要带你通过我的沮丧在漫长的旅途上努力实现在32位操作系统4.0千兆赫。 bbs.pceva.com.cn

We present a scheme to probabilistically teleport an arbitrary and unknown two- particle state via a non maximally entangled EPR pair and a non-maximally entangled GHZ state as the quantum channel.
我们提出了一个非最大纠缠 EPR对和一个 GHZ态作量子通道实现一个任意两粒子量子态隐形传递的方案。 cnki




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