

单词 GGE
释义 GGEBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
=generalized glandular enlargement 全身性淋巴腺肿大
The Chinese delegation thanks Ambassador Reimma, the Coordinator for the issue of MOTAPM, for preparing the revised coordinator's paper, which provides reference and input to the GGE discussions.
中方对反车辆地雷问题协调员、芬兰裁军大使瑞玛先生提出协调员文件第二稿表示感谢,文件为专家组讨论提供了参考。 kouyi

To sum up, the Chinese delegation is ready to continue to actively participate in the work of the GGE within its mandate in a constructive manner.
总之,中国代表团愿在授权范围内,继续以建设性态度积极参与专家组会议的讨论,推动会议取得进展。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

China has actively participated in the CCW Group of Governmental Experts GGE on Cluster Munitions, and has played a constructive role in promoting the work of the GGE.
中国积极参加了《特定常规武器公约》集束弹药问题政府专家组工作,为专家组工作取得进展发挥了建设性作用。 qnr

China actively and constructively participated in all the previous UN Group of Governmental Experts GGE on the Register of Conventional Arms and made contribution to the development of the Register.
中方本着积极和建设性态度参加了历届联合国常规武器登记册政府专家组的工作,为登记册的发展做出了贡献。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

In addition to non-proliferation issues, attention of the GGE should also be focused on arms control and disarmament matters.
在关注防扩散问题的同时,也应兼顾军控和裁军。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Since the paper is submitted under the personal responsibility of the Coordinator, it should be dealt with as such rather than as a GGE's formal document.
文件既然是协调员个人文件,就应该作为个人文件而不是专家组正式文件来处理。 kouyi

The GGE data is then subjected to singular value decomposition and is approximated by the first two principal components.
对 GGE作单值分解,并以第一和第二主成分近似之。 cnki




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