

单词 getting ahead
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Since you're interested in getting ahead and managing other people, you may have difficulty understanding applicants with this kind of personality.
如果你对出人头地和管理他人比较有兴趣,那么可能会难以理解这些应聘者的性格。 yeeyan

Getting ahead means getting access to special treatment.
地位越高意味着更容易享受特殊待遇。 yeeyan

All your classmates are getting ahead of you.
你所有的同学都超越你了。 blog.sina.com.cn

As a society, we should be far more concerned about whether most Americans are getting ahead than about the size of the gains at the top.
作为一个社会,我们应当特别关注是否大部分美国人都在取得进步而不是关注社会上层获得的利益有多大。 yeeyan

Girls love guys who are confident, and confidence is also the key to getting ahead in the business world.
女孩喜欢自信的男人,而且自信也是商场中拼搏的关键。 iciba

No matter what I read though, successfully getting ahead financially boils down to a few simple truths.
但是无论我读了什么书,我发现所有的理财观都可以概括成以下几条朴实的真经。 yeeyan

Ted Rall disagrees: for some people, he tells us, getting ahead is vastly easier than for others.
但是泰德-洛尔不同意这种看法,他告诉我们,对于某些人来说,出人头地就是比别人容易得多。 edu.sina.com.cn

That creates the powerful— and legitimate— sensation of falling behind instead of getting ahead.
这将会造成一个强大的,并且合理的感觉,生活状况恶化了,而不是改善了。 yeeyan

That kind of technology scares some people, and there's concern that it's all getting ahead of public safety.
这类技术让一些人惊惧不已,他们担忧这会严重危及公众安全。 yeeyan

We've assembled a variety of metrics to help determine whether you're getting ahead, holding steady, or slipping further than most.
本文综合了各项统计数据,以帮助您判断您的中产阶级水平,究竟是走在前头、保持稳定还是需要奋力追赶。 yeeyan




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