

单词 get close
释义 get close ɡetkləuz 短语¹³⁸¹⁷
“ He's obviously cold as ice. But to get close to the government is easy. The streets are open in that area,” he said.
“他明显像冰一样冷酷,而接近政府的方法又是如此的简单,那条大街永远向市民开放着。”警方表示。 yeeyan

But when they get close they turn away from our heads and dive for our feet— apparently their preferred snack spot.
但是当他们接近我们的时候,却抛开我们的头,扑向我们的脚,显然脚丫才是他们喜欢就餐的地方。 yeeyan

Even so, enough big institutions seem to have signed on to get close to the 90% figure, according to senior bank executives involved.
即使这样,足够多的大组织为了接近90%的数据似乎已经签署,据与此有关的资深银行高管所说。 ecocn

Hayabusa was launched in2003 and matched orbits with Itokawa in2005. The intention was to get close, fire a projectile into the surface and grab some of the ensuing dust.
隼鸟号2003发射升空,于2005年进入系川小行星的轨道,意图是靠近并发射一个抛射体进入其表面,捕获撞击产生的尘埃。 ecocn

The game lets you track deer footprints on your map, and when you get close enough, go in for the kill.
该游戏可以让你在地图上追踪鹿的足迹,当你足够接近时,就可以屠杀。 yeeyan

The intention was to get close, fire a projectile into the surface and grab some of the ensuing dust.
它原定目标是接近这颗小行星,发射一抛射物探测器进入小行星表面,从而捕获扬起的尘埃。 ecocn

Today tourists have many options on how they can get close to wildlife.
现在,观光客有多种可以接近野生生物的选择。 edu.sina.com.cn

You might not hit the target exactly where you want, but it will help you get close.
到最后,你有可能没能够完全完成你设定的目标,但是你将更接近你的目标。 yeeyan




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