

单词 amiga
释义 amiga 英amɪgə美amɪgə 高COCA¹⁰⁰³¹⁸BNC²⁷⁶²²
n. 女性朋友
Apple should have gone to the big swap meet in the sky, like Osborne, Amiga, and a hundred other early computer companies that stuck to their own proprietary technology.
苹果早该从这个跳蚤市场跳出去了,像 Osborne, Amiga,和其他数以百计坚守自有技术的早期电脑厂商一样。 yeeyan

For instance, I still miss my Amiga keyboards.
例如,我仍然怀念我的 Amiga键盘。 ibm

Like the Macintosh and Amiga, the Atari ST was based on the Motorola68000 processor.
和麦金塔和阿米伽类似, ST也是基于摩托罗拉68000处理器。 ausir.blog.ipart.cn

Other OS makers, such as Amiga, have also integrated Rexx as an always- available system scripting language.
其他 OS制造商,比如 Amiga,也将 Rexx作为永远可用的系统脚本语言集成进来。 ibm

The first porting work targeted Motorola 680x0 chips, specifically the Commodore Amiga.
第一个移植工作的目标是 Motorola680x0芯片,明确地说,就是 Commodore Amiga。 ibm




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