

单词 geoglyphs
释义 geoglyphsCOCA¹⁷⁵⁶⁰⁰
And in Peru vast ancient“ geoglyphs” have been seen, land art in the form of animal shapes created when people moved earth and stones about.
在秘鲁,远古巨大的人工地貌被发现,远古的人用土和石头构造成类似野兽的地貌形状。 yeeyan

In addition to the geoglyphs, which endure to this day and are visible from space, they built the ceremonial city of Cahuachi and underground aqueducts.
除了保持至今,并在空中可见的人形石刻之外,他们也建造了礼仪性城市卡瓦其 Cahuachi和地下输水管道。 yeeyan

These images, enormous geoglyphs etched into the desert some 2,000 years ago, are so large they can only be discerned from the sky.
这些两千多年前就被雕刻在沙漠之中的巨大图形,是如此巨大,以至从空中才可以看得清楚。 ttktv.net




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