释义 |
Geoffrey Rush 基本例句 杰弗里·拉什,澳大利亚电影演员,凭借《闪亮的风采》一片荣获1996-1997年度第69届奥斯卡最佳男主角奖 Chow will team up with members of the original cast including heart-throb Johnny Depp , Orlando Bloom,Geoffrey Rushand Keira Knightley.周将会与包括约翰尼·德普、奥兰多·布鲁姆、乔弗瑞·拉什和凯拉·奈特利在内的原班人马合作。 Geoffrey Rush, who taught Weaving clowning at drama school and has appeared with him in numerous plays, describes him as one of the great character actors, with the stature of a leading man.杰弗里拉什,在戏剧学校里教维文如何插科打诨并且曾和他在无数演出中一起出现,称他是最伟大的演员之一,有当主打男一号的身材。 |