

单词 geodesic
释义 ge·o·des·ic 英ˌdʒiːəˈdesɪk, -ˈdiːsɪk美ˌdʒiəˈdɛsɪk, -ˈdisɪkAHDjē'ə-dĕsʹĭk, -dēʹsĭk 高COCA⁵⁹³⁴¹BNC³³⁴⁵²iWeb³²²⁶¹
mathematics the shortest line between two points on a mathematically defined surface as a straight line on a plane or an arc of a great circle on a sphere
of or relating to or determined by geodesygeo-, 地,地球。-des, 来自PIE*da, 分割,分配,词源同deal, demon.geodesic dome网格球顶closed geodesic闭测地线geodesic circle测地圆geodesic satellite测地卫星geodesic coordinates测地坐标,短程线坐标…geodesic parameter测地参数geodesic survey大地测量geodesic level大地测量水准仪…geodesic coordinate短程线坐标geodesic method测地线法,短程线法…geodesic line大地线
geo-deS,-ic…的⇒adj.测地学的;测量的¹³;测地线的n.测地线⁵³adj.大地测量学的;测地线的²⁵;数短线的;测量学的;最短线的几何学的;表面结构牢固的n.数测地线⁵³;大地线;短程线;曲面上两点之间的最短弧线近义词 geodesic line大地线geodetic大地测量学的…geodesical大地测量学的…

用作形容词Ageodesicbased trajectory planning method for robots is proposed in this paper, which overcomes some shortcomings of traditional trajectory planning method.摘要提出了一种基于测地线的机器人轨迹规划方法。用作名词Thegeodesicdome was associated with the same sort of progressive thinking in design that led to the wind turbine.导致测地线拱顶出现的渐进式设计思维,也适用于风力机。
In the analysis of Form-finding, thegeodesicstring is introduced to accelerate the convergence of DR method.在找形分析中引入测地线单元,加速了找形收敛速度。 Explicit iterated integral formulae of the moments in various order of the hitting times of geodesic spheres by Brownian motions on rotationally symmetric manifolds are given in this paper.
主要给出了旋转对称流形上布朗运动关于测地球面的首中时、球壳的首出时的各阶矩的迭代积分公式。 dictall

The equations in this paper possess some practical value for applying winding machine with computer to perform an irregular shape product or non- geodesic winding.
本文内容对解决在计算机控制的缠绕机上实现异型制品缠绕和非测地线缠绕具有一定的实用价值。 cnki

The existence of closed geodesic lines oscillate loci is proved. Although there are infinite closed loci on the surface of scatterer, they yield same result in determining SEM poles.
本文给出了闭合测地线,即振荡轨迹的存在性,证明了这种闭合轨迹虽有无穷多条,但就确定 SEM极点来说是等价的。 cnki

The idea of the last life on Earth, in these geodesic domes in space.
作品的创意是去展示地球上最后的生命,它被挂在太空中的这些网格上。 yeeyan

The three VTs raced for Kami's village, where Jean's team took over and carried Rick and the others to the safety of the geodesic med dome.
三架变形战机向卡米的村庄疾驰而去,在那里吉英的小组接管并将瑞克和其他人送至网格医务圆顶舱的安全装置中。 rtucn

The trapezoidal command tower stands near the aft end of this island, capped with two geodesic communication and deflection domes.
梯形的指挥塔耸立在这个“岛”的尾部附近,头部是两座网格通讯和偏导球。 starwarsfans

A perennial icon of New Year's Eve is the geodesic ball which first dropped in Times Square in1907.
每年纽约新年除夕都要举行水晶球降落仪式,1907年首次在时代广场进行。 yeeyan

Based on the geodesic, a novel parallel equidistant path generation algorithm for composite fiber placement was implemented.
针对复合材料自动铺丝技术轨迹规划问题,提出了一种新的基于测地线的平行等距轨迹规划算法。 zidian8

Discussion is based on the fact that the shortest arc on surface is geodesic.
应用“曲面上最短弧为测地线”的事实进行了讨论。 cnki

For the elliptic cylindrical surface which is the trunk of the blade, the geodesic and non- geodesic differential equations are deduced.
并针对叶片主干部分的椭圆柱面,分别推导其测地线和非测地线的微分方程式。 dictall

I mean a good example of that is if you look at those geodesic things, for example, it's made of all these hexagons and pentagons.

In an attempt to settle the matter once and for all, Nepal this week launched a two-year geodesic survey to measure the Himalayan peak.
为了一劳永逸地解决这个问题,尼泊尔这个星期启动了一个两年的大地测量计划来测定珠穆朗玛峰高度。 yeeyan

In this paper, A general theory of stable non- geodesic winding in composite materials is used.
本文提出在纤维缠绕复合材料制品中,采用非测地线稳定缠绕理论。 cnki

It was followed by a geodesic dome, an unheated structure filled with small shipping containers that served as buildings.
接着,一座网壳屋顶建筑建成,它是一个不能供热的建筑物,内部填满了小型船舶集装箱以作房屋。 ecocn

One solution he came up with in the late1940′s is the geodesic dome, the invention he is most famous for.
上世纪40年代末,巴基提出了一个解决方法,即球型屋顶,这也是他最著名的发明。 putclub

The paper applies the geodesic theory to generate the various characteristic curves for the3D- design of anechoic tile laying out.
利用测地线进行消声瓦布置三维设计中各种特征曲线的生成。 cnki

The U.S. pavilion was a200 foot- high geodesic dome designed by inventor R. Buckminster Fuller, a trailblazer for geodesic structures.
美国馆是一个由发明家 R.Buckminster Fuller设计的200英尺高的网格状圆顶,这也是网格状建筑的先驱。 yeeyan

The geodesic distance way can give expression to Topology relation of model, they will have a various of application between both ways.
这种测地距离方法能表达出模型的拓扑关系,它和采用欧几里德距离可能各有不同的应用。 cnki

This paper presents a geodesic-based constrained deformation method for polygonal mesh models.
提出了一种基于测地线的多边形网格模型的约束变形方法。 dictall

Yellowish air glow at Earth's geodesic boundary highlights the thin atmosphere secured by our home planet's gravity.
地线边缘微黄色的天空闪闪发亮,突出了被地球引力所俘获的稀薄大气。 yeeyan

Geodesic of surfaces is similar to straight lines in planes, and thus makes geodesics the mostly frequently used dividing lines in patterning of membranes.
曲面上的测地线与平面上的直线有许多相似的性质,测地线的直线性质使其成为最适宜的也是目前应用最为广泛的裁剪缝。 cnki




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