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Geo. 基本例句 abbr.George;Georgia And yet, the effects of geo-engineering would rarely be restricted to a single country— that is, after all, the whole point. 但是,生物工程效应不是仅仅限制在一个国家里的,也就是说,毕竟这才是问题的关键。 yeeyan The poll found a great deal of concern about geo- location services which pinpoint someone's whereabouts. 调查发现,很多人对于能够确定某人所在位置的地理定位服务感到担忧。 www.chinadaily.com.cn The team is also looking at adding other services, including a geo-tagging coordinate system that could send an alert if someone with Alzheimer's were to get lost. 团队也正在尝试增加一些别的服务,比如地理坐标系统,这可以在老年痴呆患者走失之前发送警报。 blog.sina.com.cn “A large dam on the Tibetan plateau would amount to a major, irreversible experiment with geo- engineering, ” said Peter Bosshard of International Rivers. “在青藏高原上修建一座大坝,在地理工程上是一个宏大的、不可逆的大实验,”国际水资源协会的皮特布思哈德说道。 yeeyan Before we reach the intersection, we have to wait for a Geo Metro, which is backing into a parallel parking space. 在我们到达十字路口之前,我们必须等一趟海湾地铁 Geo Metro,入口就在平行的停车位之后。 yeeyan But part of what keeps people using these geo- services are the incentives systems linked to the products. 但是,促使人们使用这些地理服务的那部分是和产品相关联的激励体系。 ecocn But this proposed solution, known as solar radiation management SRM, is just one strand of geo- engineering. 不过这个被称为太阳辐射管理 SRM的解决方案,也只是“地球工程”的一部分。 yeeyan Coordinates that are shared with software developers, ad networks and location-based service providers in return for free location-based mobile applications and geo- targeted ads. 用户和软件开发者、广告公司和定位服务提供商分享坐标信息,然后获得免费定位手机应用和地理定位广告。 yeeyan For this reason, approaches to geo-engineering that merely reflect heat back into space need to be viewed cautiously. 基于这一原因,需要谨慎考虑单纯的把热量反射到太空的基因工程的做法。 yeeyan He then coupled the ID information, known as a MAC address, with a geo- location feature of the Firefox web browser. 之后,他将这个身份识别信息即大家熟知的 MAC地址跟火狐网络浏览器的地理定位功能结合在一起。 yeeyan In some ways I’ve saved the best until last, as geo- gaming is a pure leisure product for mobile phones that does not exist today in the way I will describe it. 某种程度上,我把最好的东西放在了最后来讨论,因为我将描述的这种纯手机休闲地理游戏目前并不存在。 yeeyan Islam, of course, is not just a religion; it's a cultural and even geo- political reality. 当然,伊斯兰不只是一个宗教;它是一个文化,甚至是政治地理上的实体。 blog.sina.com.cn Its growth appears not to have been affected by the arrival of another channel, Nat Geo Wild, owned by National Geographic and News Corporation. 它的增长看起来没有受到国家地理和新闻集团共同推出的另一个节目《国家地理野生频道》的影响。 yeeyan Nat Geo Wild is a rare example of a network that was developed abroad and imported to America. 《国家地理野生频道》是极少的在海外制作再进口至美国的电视网的例子。 yeeyan On the map you can not only see and click on individual data points, but you can see heat maps of particularly hot areas of geo data. 在地图上你不仅可以看和点击单独的资料点,也可以看到整个地理信息中的热点区域。 yeeyan Only research can tell. As for the politics, geo- engineering cannot just be put back in its box. 只有研究可以做出预测;从政治策略上来考虑,地质工程也决不能雪藏起来。 ecocn Other fields of research are being drawn, blinking, into the light by geo engineering's new-found popularity. 其他领域的研究也受到鼓舞,闪烁着光芒汇入到地球工程带来的新潮流的曙光之中。 ecocn Pretty early on, we started reaching out to users and letting them help us create this amazing thing that we call the geo web. 在很早的时候,我们就开始联系用户,让他们帮助我们做这个我们称之为地理网站的令人惊奇的事。 yeeyan Segmenting potential customers through geo targeting with paid search advertisements helps focus the right ads on the right customers. 通过地理定位和付费搜索广告细分潜在顾客,有助于将正确的广告集中于正确的顾客。 yeeyan Segmenting potential customers through geo targeting with paid search advertisements will help focus the right ads on the right customers. 通过地理定位和付费搜索广告细分潜在客户有助于将正确的广告集中于正确的顾客。 yeeyan Sensor networks will serve as the eyes and ears of the geo-world and provide information relevant to wherever you are. 感知网络将能服务于现实中的视觉和听觉,并提供和地理相关的信息。 yeeyan So an intergovernmental organisation called the Group on Earth Observations GEO has designed one. 所以一个被叫作全球对地观测组织 GEO的政府间组织制订了一项计划。 ecocn Some forms of geo- engineering may in fact turn out to be easier and cheaper than widespread global curbs on climate emissions— though they may still be unacceptably risky. 尽管其风险高的让人不可接受,但是地质工程的某些形式实际上比在全球范围内限制碳排放更加容易、成本更加低廉。 ecocn That is the more important figure to look at when considering relative international buying power and economic and geo- political influence. 当考虑到相对的国际购买力和经济及地缘政治影响力,这可是值得考虑的更重要的数据。 yeeyan The result, GEONETCast, was unveiled this week at a meeting held by GEO in Bonn. 结果,在本周一个由 GEO在波恩举办的会议上,卫星信息传播系统揭开了它神秘的面纱。 ecocn The main purpose of that photo is to share an experience. The ability to geo- tag that photo should be an afterthought. 拍照这个动作最主要的目的是为了分享一种体验,而用地理位置来标识这张照片应该是之后才考虑的事情。 yeeyan The messages contain geo- location information in the forms of latitude-longitude, military grid coordinates and region. 这些信息都包含着以经纬度表示的地理坐标信息,军区的坐标和区域。 yeeyan Well goodbye, Geo. 好吧,再见,乔。 yeeyan Geo- awareness is huge for mobile because it allows you to simplify the application substantially. 地理感知对移动设备的意义重大,原因在于它可以让你持续简化应用。 infoq Geo- engineering may turn out to be too risky, however much is spent on researching it. 地质工程学的风险或许太高,但是在探索的道路上已经花费了太多财力。 ecocn Geo- gaming is different as it simply does not exist today as a travel specific product. 地理游戏则不一样,因为它目前还没有作为专门的旅游产品而存在。 yeeyan Geo- location was a hot topic in2009. 在2009年里,地理定位是一个热门的话题。 yeeyan |