释义 |
Genya 基本例句 根尼亚¹⁰⁰ The film depicts a director,GenyaTachibana, who is working on a documentary about a famous actress, Chiyoko Fujiwara.影片描述了导演立花源也记录著名女星藤原千代子的一生。 The tooth has a plenty of ChanGenya, have a plenty of much root tooth, of each tooth root most advanced, call a top;牙齿有的是单根牙,有的是多根牙,每一个牙根的尖端,称为根尖; What makes this an interesting watch is that when we go into Chiyoko's past,Genyaand his camera man also walk around in her past;三十年后,千代子的影迷费尽千辛万苦,终于在人烟稀少的寂静山庄中,找到了隐居数十年的她,并献上了一把千代子当年不慎遗失的神秘钥匙。 |