

单词 amiable
释义 amiable 'eimjəbl 
adj.和蔼的,亲切的good natured; affable; genial
和蔼可亲的; 亲切友好的

pleasant; friendly and easy to like

disposed to please;

an amiable villain with a cocky sidelong grin

diffusing warmth and friendliness;

an affable smile

an amiable gathering

cordial relations

a cordial greeting

a genial host

amiable, amicable, friendly





发音释义:'eɪmɪəbəl adj. 和蔼可亲的,亲切的
结构分析:amiable = ami朋友+able能够→能够做朋友的→和蔼的
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词amiable character温柔的性格amiable conversation亲切的交谈amiable greeting亲切的问候amiable intention善意amiable mood欢乐的心情amiable rivalry友好的对手关系amiable settlement友好解决amiable tone of voice悦耳的语调amiable young man待人亲切的年轻人
GRE红宝书ami拼: 阿眯. 我家有只大花猫, 它的名字叫阿眯, 虽然食量有点大, 但是和蔼又亲切. A一个, mi秘书, able能: 一个小秘能作的事: 和蔼亲切
源自am, amor 爱,友好的字根;am I + able 我是.形容词我本来就是友好,亲切的;am + I +able 我能够吗?近似May I .? 很友好的说话
am友爱+i连接字母+able形容词后缀,可以…的→可以友爱的⇒和蔼的,亲切的。词根记忆am爱+ iable ⇒可爱的,亲切的词根记忆ami+able能…的=能被爱的=亲切的近义词 sweetcheerfulfriendlypleasantagreeabledelightfulattr-activeapproachablegood-naturedcompanionablegood-humoured反义词 crosstouchyhostileunfriendlyunpleasantdisagreeableill-tempered
~+ n.He is an amiable young man.他是一个待人亲切的年轻人。
She is an amiable girl.她是一个随和的女孩子。
She is one of the most amiable members on the committee.她是委员会中最好相处的成员之一。
For the last three days of the tour we had a more amiable guide.在最后三天的旅游中,我们有了一位更和气的导游。
He has an amiable personality.他个性平易近人。
She has an amiable disposition.她性格温柔。
We have a very amiable companionship.我们之间存在一种友好的关系。
Her beauty was not of the amiable kind.她的美并不是那种柔媚的美。
S+be+~She was amiable and unpretending.她和蔼可亲,纯朴自然。
Her parents seemed very amiable.她的父母好像很和蔼可亲。
Do you really want to come or are you merely being amiable?你是真的想去呢,还是仅仅为了表示友好?
So amiable was the mood of the meeting that a decision was soon reached.会议的气氛十分和谐,因此很快达成了决议。S+be+~+ prep. -phraseShe seems very amiable to me.她对我似乎非常亲切。It is/was+~+of sb+to- vIt was most amiable of you to accede to my request.你能答应我的请求,真是太好了。
S+V+O+~Go and make yourself amiable to the guests.去亲切地待客。Punamiablea.不和蔼的不友好的


amiable的基本意思是指人或其表情、性格“亲切; 和蔼”,所表现出的友好往往能获得对方的好感,从而乐意与其交往。


用作形容词Theamiablecountenance of Mr. Pickwick was fast recovering its customary expression.匹克威克先生的和蔼的脸孔在很快地恢复着平常的表情。
The hostess received her friends with anamiablesmile.女主人带着亲切的微笑迎接朋友们的到来。
You can sort out any differences you have in anamiablemanner.你可以以温柔亲切的主式澄清所有的误会。adj.friendly, agreeable
同义词 affable,amicable,charming,cheerful,cordial,delightful,engaging,friendly,genial,good-humored,good-natured,gracious,lovable,mellow,pleasant,sociableattractive,benign,breezy,buddy-buddy,clubby,complaisant,cool,copacetic,cozy,downright neighborly,easy,kind,kindly,lenient,mild,obliging,palsy-walsy,pleasing,princely,responsive,right,righteous,sweet-tempered,swell,tight,warm,warmhearted,winning
反义词 aloof,bad,cold,disagreeable,hateful,hostile,mean,nasty,repulsive,sad,unfriendly,unhappy,unkind,unpleasant,unsociablecrabby,gloomy,irritable,quarrelsome,rude,surly,testy
affableadjective friendly
amicableadjective friendly, especially regarding an agreement
accordant,agreeing,amiable,civil,clubby,concordant,cordial,courteous,cozy,empathic,good-humored,harmonious,kind,kindly,like-minded,mellow,neighborly,pacific,peaceable,peaceful,polite,regular,right nice,sociable,square-shooting,sympathetic,understanding
benignadjective kindly
blandadjective friendly, gracious
calmadjective composed, cool(animate)
aloof,amiable,amicable,civil,collected,cool as cucumber,cool-headed,detached,disinterested,dispassionate,equable,gentle,impassive,imperturbable,inscrutable,kind,laid-back,levelheaded,listless,moderate,neutral,patient,placid,pleased,poised,relaxed,restful,satisfied,sedate,self-possessed,serene,still,temperate,unconcerned,undisturbed,unemotional,unexcitable,unexcited,unflappable,unimpressed,unmoved,unruffled,untroubled
calmeradjective composed, cool(animate)
aloof,amiable,amicable,civil,collected,cool as cucumber,cool-headed,detached,disinterested,dispassionate,equable,gentle,impassive,imperturbable,inscrutable,kind,laid-back,levelheaded,listless,moderate,neutral,patient,placid,pleased,poised,relaxed,restful,satisfied,sedate,self-possessed,serene,still,temperate,unconcerned,undisturbed,unemotional,unexcitable,unexcited,unflappable,unimpressed,unmoved,unruffled,untroubled Among fictional examples, consider the television comedy “The Office”: Who in his or her right mind would promote the cold, manipulative Angela Martin over the amiable Jim Halpert?
如果要找个虚构的例子,可以想想电视喜剧《办公室》里的情况:思维正常的人谁会提拔冷漠苦干的安吉拉·马丁而不是和善亲切的吉姆·哈本特? edu.sina.com.cn

In the flesh, however, he's more like an amiable professor.
然而他本人看上去更像一个和蔼的大学教授。 yeeyan

It was enough for her that he appeared to be amiable, that he loved her daughter, and that Elinor returned the partiality.
对她来说,只要爱德华看上去和蔼可亲,对她女儿一片钟情,而埃丽诺反过来又钟情于他,那就足够了。 kekenet

The Chinese premier was always smiling to them. The premier in front of them was so amiable that he just looked like a neighbor’s grandfather.
和蔼的目光、亲切的笑容,眼前的中国总理,就像邻家的爷爷。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The Amiable Robots.
和蔼可亲的机器人。 yeeyan

To sum up, do in Rome as Rome does, but you need not worry about these cultural barriers since most Chinese are hospitable and amiable and will not mind your nonproficiency.
总之,入乡随俗,但你也不必对这些文化障碍担心,因为大多数中国人都是好客和和蔼的,他们不会介意你的不熟悉。 ebigear

While there's life there's hope is a conviction not so entirely unknown to the' betrayed' as some amiable theorists would have us believe.
正如一些亲切的理论家们要我们相信的那样,这个“被诱的女人”并不是完全不知道一种信念:有生命就有希望。 hjenglish

A dialog of one is still a dialog, and like journal writing provides an amiable outlet to vent our feelings.
一个人的言论不仅仅是言论,它能够给个人情绪提供一个出口,就像给杂志写文章一样。 yeeyan

Beneath its amiable surface, Jordan hosts many dangerously competing tensions.
因此,在亲切友好的表面下,约旦支配着整个剑拔弩张的局势。 ecocn

But keeping foreigners together seems to be to the policy today, and I found myself alone with an amiable MBA student from the north of England.
但让外国人坐在一起似乎是如今的政策,我发现与我同行的是一个温和的学生,他来自英国北部,是企业管理硕士。 yeeyan

Edward is very amiable, and I love him tenderly.
爱德华非常和蔼可亲,我也很喜爱他。 kekenet

If I were you, I'd try to be a bit more amiable. It is the job of the number two to support the number one.
如果我是你,我将努力变得更友善一点。二号人物的工作就是支持一号人物。 iciba

In1980, when voters were weary of Jimmy Carter but worried that his challenger might be an extremist, Ronald Reagan’s amiable performance reassured them.
在1980年的竞选中,选民对吉米·卡特生厌,但是确害怕他的对手罗纳德·里根是个极端分子。是里根和蔼可亲的表现让大家放心了。 ecocn

Malaysian artists' wonderful performances during the banquet gave an amiable and friendly atmosphere to the evening.
席间,马来西亚艺术家还表演了精彩的文艺节目,整个晚会洋溢着亲切、友好的气氛。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Mrs Dean raised the candle, and I discerned a soft-featured face, exceedingly resembling the young lady at the Heights, but more pensive and amiable in expression.
丁太太举起蜡烛,我分辨出一张温和的脸,极像山庄上那位年轻夫人,但是在表情上更显得沉思而且和蔼。 ebigear

Phil Mickelson, an amiable left-hander, made $61.7m.
和蔼可亲的左手球员菲尔•米克尔森 Phil Mickelson,收入6170万美元。 ecocn

She was generous, amiable, interesting: she was everything but prudent. The resemblance between her and her mother was strikingly great.
她为人慷慨,和蔼可亲,也很有趣,可就是一点也不谨慎,与她母亲一模一样。 kekenet

She looked at me with exaggerated patience, as if I were an amiable, if dim, child.
她以夸张的耐心看着我,仿佛我是一个萌萌的、或许还有点儿笨的小朋友。 blog.sina.com.cn

Soft, rounded petals around a circular flower centre suggest an amiable, family-centric person.
围绕在花心周围的柔软的圆形花瓣表明绘画者是一位亲切的以家庭为中心的人。 cri

The leader did the amiable.

This is how Finkelstein begins his rebuttals, with amiable preambles that cannot conceal the Mephisto-like gleam in his eyes.
实际上这就是芬克尔斯坦反驳的起始方式,和蔼可亲的开场白却掩饰不住眼中的那一丝不怀好意。 yeeyan

Though he was amiable, bounding to greet visitors with a beefy handshake, he lacked the common touch, and often talked in economic jargon.
虽然他和蔼可亲,总是奔到来客面前与之热情地握手打招呼,但他缺乏平易近人的美德,经常使用经济类术语交谈。 ecocn




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