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词汇 gentled
释义 gen·tle·d 英'dʒentl美'dʒentl COCA⁸⁵⁸⁰⁶BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰

kind and ready to help others; polite

轻的,柔和的; 和缓的

not violent; soft in movement

高尚的; 上层阶级的

of the nobility; born into a high social class

soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe;

a gentle reprimand

a vein of gentle irony

poked gentle fun at him

having or showing a kindly or tender nature;

the gentle touch of her hand

her gentle manner was comforting

a gentle sensitive nature

gentle blue eyes

quiet and soothing;

a gentle voice

a gentle nocturne

belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy;

an aristocratic family

aristocratic Bostonians

aristocratic government

a blue family

blue blood

the blue-blooded aristocracy

of gentle blood

patrician landholders of the American South

aristocratic bearing

aristocratic features

patrician tastes

easily handled or managed;

a gentle old horse, docile and obedient

having little impact;

an easy pat on the shoulder

gentle rain

a gentle breeze

a soft or light tapping at the window

marked by moderate steepness;

an easy climb

a gentle slope

cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of;

She managed to mollify the angry customer

give a title to someone; make someone a member of the nobilitystroke soothingly
gentle, mild, soft


1.用于人时, gentle指温和的举动,出于自我克制或对方的体贴; mild则指出于本性; soft指人的性情是温和的、宽厚的、心肠软的、婉转的。例如:

The boy has gentle spirit.那男孩举止文雅。
He has too mild a nature to lose his temper.他性情温和,不会发脾气。
I think the courts are too soft with these young offenders.我认为法院对这些犯法的年轻人太宽厚了。

2.用于物时, gentle可指事物运动变化的缓和; mild指适度、祥和,给人愉快的感觉; soft可指事物的表面的柔软、光滑或声音的温和、较低的等。例如:

A warm, gentle breeze was coming from the sea.海面吹来一阵柔和的暖风。
His eyes were no longer mild but glittered with a suppressed fury.他的目光不再温和,而是迸射出压抑的怒火。
The fur was as soft as velvet.这毛皮有如天鹅绒般软滑。13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的gentil,意为高贵,高尚的。
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词gentle dog温顺的狗gentle heart仁慈的心肠gentle nature温和的性情gentle smile温柔的微笑gentle spirit温和的性情gentle wind和风~+介词gentle in manner举止文雅gentle in voice声调温柔gentle to sb对某人和蔼gentle with与…和善相处的
用作形容词 gentle as a dove

极温顺; 极温驯 very gentle〔tender〕

the gentle sex

女性 women

近义词 calmkindsoftquietsweethumanemerciful反义词 cruderoughunkind
~+ n.She was a gentle woman who wouldn't hurt a fly.她是位和善的妇女,连苍蝇都不会伤害。
She greeted me with a very gentle voice.她以十分温柔的声调跟我打招呼。
His gentle manner gains him great respect.他彬彬有礼让人尊敬。
She is a gentle girl.她是位高雅的姑娘。
Cat is a gentle animal.猫是一种温顺的动物。
A gentle rain dropped yesterday morning.昨天上午下了一场小雨。
She gave the baby a gentle pat on the back.她轻轻地在婴儿背上拍了一下。
There is a gentle wind blowing.微风在吹着。
The gentle rolling motion of the ship made me feel sleep.船只轻微的摇动催我入睡。
There is still time to win him back by gentle persuasion.还有时间通过婉言说服工作把他争取回来。
He was a person of gentle blood.他出身名门。
S+be+~Our new teacher is gentle.我们的新老师对我们和蔼可亲。
He is much too gentle and has not used his power.他太温和了,没有使用过他的权力。
You must be gentle when holding a little baby.抱小孩时要轻柔。
The slope is quite gentle.这坡度相当平缓。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseThe soap is gentle enough for your skin.这种肥皂对皮肤很柔和。
She is gentle in manner.她举止文雅。
She is unusually soft and gentle to him.她对他的态度特别温柔。
He is kind and gentle to the weak.他对弱者总是友好和善。
Mothers are usually gentle with their babies.母亲对自己的婴儿总是很温柔。S+be+~+for sb+to- vThe slope is gentle enough for you to walk up.这斜坡不太陡,你可以走上去。

gentle的基本意思是“性情温和的”,即为人友善,待人温和、亲切,不给人以冷峻、不敢与之接近的感觉,也可指人的行为和修养“文雅的,有礼貌的”,还可指“温顺的; 和缓的”。



用作形容词We've never met suchgentlepeople.我们从来没有遇到这样温和的人。
My mother is a kind andgentlewoman.我的母亲是一位心地善良、性情温和的妇女。
Thegentlemusic can relax him.轻柔的音乐能使他放松。
Agentlebreeze stirred the leaves.微风吹动了树叶。
The dog is sogentlethat I am not afraid of it.这只狗如此温顺,因此我不感到害怕。
She isgentlelike a lamb.她像只小羊羔一样温顺。
My new teacher is a verygentleperson.我的新老师是一个温文尔雅的人。
He is a mangentlein manner but firm in action.他是一个举止文雅但行动坚决的人。
He was a person ofgentleblood.他出身名门。as in.subdue
同义词 conquer,crush,extinguish,humble,overcome,overpower,quell,repress,restrain,suppress,tame,temperbreak,check,control,defeat,discipline,dominate,drop,gentle,mellow,overrun,quash,quench,quiet,quieten,reduce,soften,squelch,subjugate,trample,vanquishbear down,beat down,break in,get the better of,get the upper hand,get under control,put down,shut down,tone down,triumph over
反义词 aggravate,agitate,build up,encourage,let go,lose,praise,release,surrender,yield,aid,allow,assist,give up,help,liberate,permit,start,strengthenarouse,incite,rouseas in.tame
同义词 conquer,curb,pacify,restrain,soften,subdue,suppress,temper,vanquishbreak,bridle,bust,check,discipline,domesticize,domiciliate,enslave,gentle,housebreak,house-train,humble,mitigate,mute,repress,subjugate,trainbreak in,break the spirit,bring to heel,tone down,water down
反义词 agitate,encourage,fail,incite,irritate,lose,release,surrender,upset,aid,allow,fix,free,help,let go,liberate,mend,permitas in.break in
同义词 accustom,condition,educate,gentle,get used to,habituate,initiate,instruct,prepare,tameas in.dulcify
同义词 allay,appease,assuage,calm,conciliate,curb,dulcorate,gentle,honey,mollify,placate,propitiate,quell,quiet,reconcile,soften,soothe,sugar,sweeten
反义词 aggravate,agitate,incite,irritate,provoke,trouble,upset,worryas in.domesticate
同义词 naturalizeacclimatize,accustom,break,breed,bust,corral,domiciliate,familiarize,gentle,herd,hitch,raise,reclaim,subdue,teach,train,yokebreak in,bring up,housetrain,round up
反义词 abandon,disjoin,fix,mend,neglect




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