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词汇 ames
释义 ames
“ In most cases, it’s all kind of guesses because we don’t have samples, ” says Scott Sandford, an astrophysicist at the NASA Ames Research Center.
来自美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心的天文物理学家斯科特·桑福德说:“在大多数情况下,因为没有标本样品,具体联系都是靠猜测得出的。” yeeyan

“It’s a lot cheaper to go pick it up on the ground than to send a space probe to go get it, ” says the director of the NASA Ames Research Center, Simon “Pete” Worden.
美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心的主管西蒙·皮特·沃登说:“从地球表面拾掇陨石可比发送航空探测器去太空搜集样本省钱多了。” yeeyan

After an expensive divorce and marriage to a second wife with no ability to budget, Ames found himself maxed out.
恩慈经历了一次昂贵的离婚和一个缺少持家能力的第二任妻子,他便感到累得精疲力尽。 yeeyan

Any Iowa resident can attend, but in practice, it is only the most dedicated Republicans who are willing to give up most of a Saturday to drive to Ames to take part.
任何一个爱荷华居民都可以参加,不过实际上只有那些最投入的共和主义拥护者才愿意牺牲星期六,开大老远的车去埃姆斯参加模拟投票。 ecocn

At the Ames straw poll in the Iowa heartland last month, Ron Paul, a Republican presidential candidate, was cheered to the rafters when he called for the troops to come home.
上个月,在爱荷华腹地的艾姆斯进行的一次民意测验上,龙•袍,一个共和党总统竞选人,声称自己要求部队回家,然后欢呼声几乎掀翻屋顶。 ecocn

Dr Bailey and Dr Ames stress that folic-acid pills are good during pregnancy, and that aspiring mothers should not give them up.
贝勒医生和埃莫斯医生强调说,叶酸药丸在妊娠期间好处很大,所以望子成龙的母亲不应该放弃服用。 ecocn

Dr Ames began his career studying cancer.
艾姆斯博士一开始研究癌症。 ecocn

Frank Ames in New York earned his place in the Guinness Book of World Records with a pair of bushy brows measuring9.6cm.
纽约的 Frank Ames凭借自己一对长度为9.6厘米的眉毛在吉尼斯纪录上占了一席之地。 cri

George said that after the severe damage the Aldrich Ames case had done to the CIA, he would have to resign if I commuted Pollards sentence.
乔治说,奥尔德里奇·埃姆斯一案已经对中情局造成重创,如果给波拉德减刑的话,他肯定辞职。 yeeyan

If these locks are picked for example by oxidative damage to the genes that control them, as discovered by Dr Ames, the result is unconstrained growth—in other words, cancer.
如果这些基因锁被解除例如,艾姆斯博士发现控制这些锁的基因遭到氧化毁坏的情况,后果就是细胞的无限增生,换句话说就是细胞癌变。 ecocn

Palmer’s chief of staff Mike Novick receives a call from Frank Ames Palmer’s biggest campaign donor.
帕默的办公室主任,麦克.诺维克接到了一个叫弗兰克.艾姆斯 Frank Ames的人打来的电话,这个人是帕默竞选活动的最大捐助人。 yeeyan

Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, stole some of the event’s thunder by officially declaring himself a candidate in South Carolina while the voting was underway in Ames.
而德克萨斯州的州长里克派瑞这次抢了一些风头,就在埃姆斯正在进行模拟投票时,他宣称自己是南加州的正式候选人。 ecocn

So, too, the ideal brought into her life by Ames remained.
同样也留下了艾姆斯带进她生活的理想。 jukuu

This idea goes back to one of the founders of scientific gerontology, Bruce Ames of the University of California, Berkeley.
这一观点可以追溯到老年医学的创始人之一加州大学伯克利分校的布鲁斯•艾姆斯。 ecocn

Those views have now been given a particularly thoroughgoing expression in a paper in Icarus by Kevin Zahnle, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Centre, in California, and two colleagues.
加利福利亚 NASA的 Ames研究中心的一位行星学家 Kevin Zahnle和他的两位同事,在论文《Icarus》中特别详细的阐述了这些。

Under attack in the debate at Ames, she coolly disposed of one of her main challengers, Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota.
在艾姆斯辩论中遭受的攻击,她冷静地转嫁给她的主要对手,前明尼苏达州州长,提姆•鲍雷蒂。 ecocn

When she complained that her treatment led to painful sores in her throat, an Ames girl sent a smoothie maker and recipes.
当她抱怨治疗导致她的咽喉非常疼痛的时候,一位亚美尼亚朋友送来了缓解疼痛的药方和原料。 yeeyan

You thought of everything, Ames.
你想的可真周到,艾姆斯。 yeeyan

Ames has learned of the accusations against Keith triggered by the confessions of Keith’s therapist Dr. George Ferragamo.
艾姆斯知道了针对基思的指控是由基思的心理医生乔治.菲拉格慕的证词引发的。 yeeyan




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