

单词 genre painting
释义 genre painting ˈʒɒ̃rəpeɪntɪŋ 短语⁹⁶⁶⁷⁷⁺

a genre depicting everyday life用作名词The Dutch genre, which bore strong national features, kept a close relationship with the secular life of the Dutch.在小画派中,风俗画与荷兰人的世俗生活关系最为密切,具有强烈的民族特色。
Easel and panel forms include still life, portraiture, landscape, and genre subjects and permit the representation of ephemeral effects of light and atmosphere.画室画和油板油画包括静物画,肖象画,风景画和风俗画,并能表现光线和氛围的短暂效果。
From Chinese literati painting to Japanese Yamato-e, from romanticism to Dadaism, different forms of art serve as the instrumentality to educate the public.从中国的文人画到日本的浮世绘,从浪漫主义到达达,艺术的不同表现方式被看作是一种向公众进行观念教育的媒介。 The bridge is a genre painting, it is the national character and style, the historical vicissitude modern drama stage.
桥梁是风俗画,它是民族风情、历史变迁的话剧舞台。 blog.sina.com.cn

In addition, genre painting also appeared, showing folk cultures and customs in different social strata.
此外,还有表现社会各阶层民俗风情的风俗画。 showchina

This point of view is a new try in researching on the Song genre painting.
本文这一观点在宋代风俗画研究领域是一种新的探索与尝试。 cnki

Genre painting gives way to landscape.
风俗画让位给景观。 yfyf1




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