

单词 genji
释义 genjiCOCA⁶⁴⁰³⁶BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Lady Murasaki Shikubu's The Tale of Genji is seen as the first of its kind in literature.
紫式部的《源氏物语》被看作是这类文学的开山鼻祖。 yeeyan

“The Tale of Genji” rewards perseverance, but just as young Genji flits from one mistress to the next, so the reader can choose between the three English versions of the story.
《源氏物语》值得读者坚持将这部作品读完。但是,正如那位年轻的源氏辗转于一个又一个的情人一样,读者可以在三种英译本之间进行选择。 yeeyan

But sleeping with the daughter of the leader of the opposing political faction is one indiscretion too many and Genji is forced into exile.
然而,与一个对立政治派别领袖女儿的鱼水之欢却是一件极为草率的行为,源氏也因此被迫流亡。 yeeyan

In the earliest, Murasaki Shikibu's literary masterpiece The Tale of Genji, the narrative is told in pictures alternating with text.
最早的形式为紫式部的文学巨著《源氏物语》的配画,以画面和文字交替出现。 tdict

IT CONTAINS no military adventures nor epic journeys. Yet “The Tale of Genji” is in every way Japan’s equivalent of Homer’s “ Iliad”.
既没有金戈铁马的传奇,也没有山高路远的征途,《源氏物语》却是活脱脱一出日版的荷马《伊利亚特》。 ecocn

It was an era of great joy and great art, from Murasaki Shikibu's“Tale of Genji” illustrated above in a12th- century drawing to Sei Shonagon's“ Pillow Book”.
这也是享乐和艺术的全盛时期,从紫式部的《源氏物语》本文上图即书中的12世纪插图,到清少纳言的《枕草子》名作纷呈。 ecocn

Little is known about her, but Genji is considered a masterpiece, even among modern literary critics — and a must-read romance novel.
虽然对紫式部知者寥寥,但即便在现代文学评论界,《源氏物语》依然享有极高的声望——它绝对是值得一读浪漫文学故事。 yeeyan

Genji is undoubtedly the most attractive female figure.
紫姬无疑是《源氏物语》中最引人注目的女性形象。 cnki




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