

单词 Genghis
释义 Genghis ˈdʒeŋhəs 
For some three decades until his death in 1294, the grandson of the famed Mongol warlord Chingiz, or Genghis, ruled over much of what is today China.
1294年他死前大约三十多年,这位著名蒙古战神成吉思汗的孙子,统治了今天中国的大部分地区。 yeeyan

Inspired by the ferocity of Genghis Khan, a growing number of young people are turning to nationalism and fascist symbols to express their rage.
也许是继承了成吉思汗彪悍的特点,越来越多的年轻人选择民族主义或法西斯主义的标志来发泄自己的愤怒。 yeeyan

Mongolian conqueror Genghis Khan is riding a horse opposite Napoleon.
“一代天骄”成吉思汗骑在马上与拿破仑并驾齐驱。 ebigear

The Mongol warlord Genghis Khan is famously believed to have fathered hundreds of children in the lands he conquered.
蒙古王成吉思汗据信在他征服之处有数百个孩子。 yeeyan

The treasure is that of Genghis and Kublai Khan, the great Mongolian conqueror and his grandson.
宝藏属于成吉思汗和忽必烈——伟大的蒙古征服者和他的孙子; www.chinadaily.com.cn

There is only so much a manager can learn from Genghis Khan—it is no longer practical to impale competitors on spikes.
一个经理能从成吉思汗身上学到的东西并不多——当今时代再也不是练习把长矛刺中对手的时代了。 ecocn

I knew that by daybreak we would be deep inside Genghis Khan country.
我知道到黎明的时候我们已经深入到成吉思汗的故乡。 yeeyan

In the14th century AD1280-1368 in the Yuan Dynasty of Genghis Khan, mooncakes helped bring about a revolution.
在14世纪公元1280年至1368年即成吉思汗建立的元代,月饼导致了一场革命。 yeeyan

It all started when Temujinwho was later known as Genghis Khan, vowed in his youth to bring the world to his feet.
这一切都是源于少年铁木真后来的成吉思汗的一发誓言:要让世界臣服于他的脚下。 yeeyan

The Mongol chieftains were eager that the next great khan too should be a blood- descendant of Genghis.
蒙古各派首领们期望新的大可汗应是成吉思汗血统的后裔。 yeeyan

There were ethnic Russian, plus darker skinned Turks and Persians; but most common were the oval, Mongolian features of the ancestors of Genghis Khan.
有俄罗斯族裔,加上肤色较深的土耳其人和波斯人,但是最常见的是椭圆形脸,带有蒙古族特点,他们的祖先是成吉思汗。 yeeyan

They dominated Europe and Asia and were most famous for riding on horseback, lead by one of the greatest military commanders in history, Genghis Khan.
他们是著名马背上的征服者,曾经在世界上最伟大的军事统帅之一成吉思汗的指挥下,横扫欧亚大陆,所向披靡。 yeeyan

Thousands of Kazakhs are competing to prove their relationship to Genghis Khan, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,数千名哈萨克斯坦人正在争相证明自己是成吉思汗的后裔。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Genghis had“ no trouble at all overrunning the place,” and his descendants would build wide-ranging kingdoms using Afghanistan as a base.
成吉思汗“侵占这个地方简直没费吹灰之力,”他的后代也将阿富汗作为基地,建立了幅员辽阔的王国。 yeeyan




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