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词汇 genetically
释义 ge·net·i·cal·ly 美dʒə'nɛtɪklɪ 高GTCOCA⁹⁵⁷⁸BNC¹³¹⁶²iWeb⁹¹⁶⁴Economist⁶⁸³³

by genetic mechanisms;

genetically passed down talents

genetically modified food转基因食品; 基因改…genetic遗传的
genet-ic…的-ally…地⇒adv.遗传基因方面近义词 innately天赋地natively生来地naturally自然地inherently天性地hereditarily世袭地

The sum of characteristics and associated potentialities transmittedgeneticallyto an individual organism.遗传而得的特征传给个体生物体的基因特征和相关潜力的总和as in.inherently
同义词 constitutionally,intrinsically,naturallyby birth,congenitally,immanently,inseparably,natively
inherentlyadverb innately
by birth,congenitally,constitutionally,immanently,inseparably,intrinsically,natively,naturally A person's health is often genetically predetermined.

The scientists started by genetically engineering mice to have a specific molecule in their senescent cells.
科学家们开始让基因工程小鼠的衰老细胞中有一个特定的分子。 yeeyan

“ I always wanted to procreate with someone outside my gene pool because I think you get a more beautiful and genetically superior baby, ” she said.
“我总想和具有不同基因库的人生育。因为我认为这样会得到一个更美而且基因更优良的婴儿,”她说。 yeeyan

“For everything there is a season” is a phrase with a ring of majestic certainty. But with air- freighted fruit and genetically modified veg, it too is wrong.
“万物皆有时节”是一句暗示着庄重宏伟的必然性的短语,但用到空运水果和基因改良蔬菜头上,也是错误的了。 ecocn

A2002 study found women prefer the scent of men with genes somewhat similar to their own over the scent of nearly genetically identical or totally dissimilar men.
一项2002年的研究发现,比起基因相差甚远或者完全相同的男性,女性对那些基因和自己相似的男性的气味更感兴趣。 yeeyan

Although sex is genetically determined by fathers, mothers therefore appear able to favour the development of one sex of infant rather than another.
尽管在遗传学上来说性别是由父亲决定的,母亲却可以做到使某一性别的婴儿比另一性别更好的发展。 yeeyan

And production and commercialization of new biotechnologies and genetically engineered crops is almost entirely in the hands of the private sector.
而且,新的生物技术和基因工程作物的生产和商业化几乎完全掌握在私营部门手中。 fao

As pests and diseases evolve and spread, crops genetically modified to resist them could boost production, or at least maintain yields.
随着害虫和疾病的进化和扩展,基因改良的作物的产量会更高,或者至少保持产量不变。 yeeyan

In any genetically successful love match, one of the partners ought to hate a unisex perfume.
在任何基因非常搭配的男女之间,其中一方应该厌恶中性香水。 ecocn

In meat production, for example, they do not tolerate growth hormones and genetically-modified products.
以肉类生产为例,含有生长激素和转基因的产品都明令禁止。 hjenglish

Many of those used in the research at the biotechnological centre are clones of genetically-modified rabbits, which have had human genes added to their genomes.
在这家生物技术中心,许多转基因克隆兔子都被用于研究工作,这些兔子的基因组内都加入了人类基因。 yeeyan

Nowadays, all genetically engineered foods on the market fit, according to the FDA, the category of“ generally regarded as safe” GRAS.
现今,所有在市场适合的基因设计的食物,根据粮食与药物管理局,类别“通常视为安全的” GRAS. yeeyan

Since these medicines are made with genetically engineered bacteria, they must be tested extensively in patients before sale.
由于这些药物是使用遗传工程细菌制造的,它们在允许销售之前必须进行广泛的试验。 yeeyan

Some are genetically engineered on fish farms, while the rest are hooked by the mouth or netted by huge trawlers that catch and kill everything in their path.
有些是养鱼场基因改造的鱼,其余的则是嘴被钩住或是被巨大的拖网渔船网住,拖网渔船所过之处一路捕杀。 yeeyan

Some people are genetically predisposed, while others lean toward depression because of environmental factors.
一些人有遗传原因倾向,有些是因为环境因素造成的。 yeeyan

The cells are analysed to see if they are genetically normal and the best embryos are selected for implantation into the mother's womb.
对这些细胞进行分析,判断他们的基因是否正常,并选择最优的胚胎植入到受孕母亲的子宫。 yeeyan

These rat fathers were not genetically diabetic.
这些老鼠父本不是遗传糖尿病。 yeeyan

This means that the two parents can have the same sex, but that is genetically impossible.
这意味着两个小孩可以有相同的性别,但是这在遗传上是不可能的。 ibm

We don’t understand them, because, genetically, we did not evolve in an environment where there were a lot of black swans.
我们不理解“黑天鹅”们,因为从遗传学上来说,人类并不是在一个有很多“黑天鹅”的环境中进化的。 yeeyan

What you see there is quite remarkable. It also tells you that Arabs and Muslims are not inherently or genetically programmed to oppose free markets.
你所见到的情况就完全不同,这也告诉我们,阿拉伯人和穆斯林的人并不是天生或是遗传造成本性就反对自由市场。 ecocn

You really cannot tell by looking at them that they are so different genetically.
你真的不能通过观察他们得出他们的基因是如此不同的结论。 yeeyan




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