

单词 generically
释义 ge·ner·i·cal·ly 英dʒi'nerikəli美dʒi'nerikəli 高COCA⁴³⁹⁹⁵BNC⁴⁰⁵¹³iWeb²⁸⁴⁸⁴

without a trademark or brand name;

we market these drugs generically

as sharing a common genus;

these animals are not related generically

gener-ic…的-ally…地⇒adv.属类地⁶⁰;属类上⁴⁰近义词 widely广泛地broadly概括地loosely松弛地commonly一般地generally一般地basically基本上universally普遍地
In this section we do not propose tools from specific vendors. Rather, we try to discuss governance needs generically in order to guide development of tool selection criteria.
在本节中,我们并不推荐特定厂商提供的工具,而是通过讨论一般的治理需要,指导您制定工具选择标准。 ibm

The agency also recommended the use of the drug, known generically as oseltamivir, in very young children in the event of a pandemic. It took the same step for Relenza, made by GlaxoSmithKline.
该机构还建议使用被称为奥司他韦的药物,在年幼儿童感染流感时使用,还有另外一种同功效的药物,葛兰素史克公司生产的瑞乐沙。 yeeyan

We’ll use the term instance to refer to a class instance generically, meaning either an object or an instance of a class, to avoid the potential for confusion between these two concepts.
我们会使用术语实例来称呼一个类的实例,意思是类的对象或者实例,用来避免两者之间的混淆。 yeeyan




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