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词汇 Americanism
释义 A·mer·i·can·ism 英əˈmerɪkəˌnɪzəm美əˈmɛrɪkəˌnɪzəm;英ə'merɪkənɪzəm美ə'merɪkənɪzəm ☆☆☆☆☆高iWeb³⁹¹⁰⁷
loyalty to the United States and its institutionsan expression that is characteristic of English as spoken by Americansa custom that is peculiar to the United States or its citizensAmericanism 美国式英语,美语用法
1781年新泽西学院今普林斯顿大学院长威瑟斯庞John Witherspoon,1722—1794撰写了-系列关于“美国的英语概况“的专题文章。在文章中他列举了美国人用词不当的若干例子,如用mad表示angry生气的,并杜撰了Americanism-词来指“美国式英语”或“美语用法”。

用作形容词He became an apostle, a prophet, of a new kind ofAmericanism.他后来成为了传道者和先知,体现了一种新的美国精神。
I'm one of the 22 million black people who are the victims ofAmericanism.我是二十二百万的黑人当中的一个,这是美国精神的受害者。 A whopping88% of the elite cited Iraq as one of the main factors driving anti- Americanism, as did71% of the general public.
精英阶层中多达88%认为伊战是助燃反美国主义的主要原因之一,在公众中这一比例为71%。 ecocn

An afternoon Islamic study group he joined during junior high school filled him with purpose, and eventually with anti- Semitism, anti- Americanism and an abhorrence of photography.
直到初中时,参加了一个伊斯兰教学习小组后,他的脑袋里充斥着宗教目标,反犹太主义和反美主义思想,并且极度讨厌摄影。 yeeyan

In many of these stances there is a tacit streak of anti- Americanism.
巴西这些立场大部分源自心照不宣的反美倾向。 ecocn

Russia’s current anti- Americanism, therefore, is less a reaction to America’s actions than a reflection of its own state of mind.
因此,俄罗斯目前的反美主义,与其说是对美国行为的反应,倒不如说是它自身思想状态的反映。 ecocn

“ I never saw such fine Americanism as is exhibited by you people, ” he said.
我从来没见过像你们这些人所展示的这么出色的美国精神。 yeeyan

“ I sensed personally more anti- Americanism on this trip than I did at any time during the Cold War, and it was dismaying,” he said.

Abroad, his anti- war stance over Iraq typified an independent foreign policy, inspired by Gaullism and spiced with a dash of anti- Americanism.
对外,他反对对伊拉克动武的立场代表了承继于戴高乐主义并加入了少许反美主义的独立的法国政策。 ecocn

And this has fed an almost reflexive anti- Americanism, which too often has served as an excuse for collective inaction.
这滋长了一种几乎是反射性的反美主义,而这种情绪又往往成为我们不采取集体行动的借口。 hjenglish

Anti- Americanism in Pakistan is rising to intense levels, which could spur younger, religiously minded officers, especially those who have not been trained by America, to demand a snapping of ties.
巴基斯坦境内的反美情十分高涨,这将促使宗教思想浓厚的、尤其是未经美国调教过的年轻军官提出断交要求。 yeeyan

But the anti- Americanism comes from some aides more than from the president himself.
事实上,固守反美主义的是卢拉的一些副手,而非总统本人。 ecocn

He appreciates that freedom looms large in her political thinking, which shows no trace of anti- Americanism.
布什很欣赏她政治思想中自由至上的信念,这点显示出她丝毫没有反美主义的迹象。 ecocn

His renewed popularity in recent years owes much to a revival of anti- Americanism.
他近些年来的再次流行很大程度上是因为反美国主义的复兴。 ecocn

However, it is a well-known fact that it is laced with themes like Anti- Semitism, Islamism and anti- Americanism.
然而有一个众所周知的事实是它加入了像反犹太,唯心论和反美主义。 yeeyan

In one fell swoop, an Obama victory would eliminate at least half the massive anti- Americanism now felt around the world.

It is hard to read these lines without irony in the wake of the global reaction to the Iraq war, which succeeded in uniting much of the world in a frenzy of anti- Americanism.
世界对伊拉克战争给出了自己的反应,这场反美狂潮使世界上大多数国家团结起来。 这时再回头看这几行字,你很难不体味到其中的讽刺意味。 ecocn

Normally, that would be construed as yet another instance of ugly Americanism.
通常情况下,他的举动会被解读成另外一种丑陋的美国精神。 yeeyan

The authors themselves recognise that the conflict is stoking Islamic radicalism and anti- Americanism— that is why they want America to pursue peace.
作者本人也承认这一冲突正在助长伊斯兰极端主义与反美主义之气焰,这也正是他们希望美国追求该地区和平的理由。 ecocn

Washington's public support, moreover, would deprive the Iranian regime of one of its weapons: anti- Americanism.
另外,华盛顿的公开支持会使伊朗政权失去一种重要的武器:反美主义。 yeeyan

With the U.S. drawing down, Iraq would diminish as a focal point of anti- Americanism.
随着美国的淡出,伊拉克将逐渐从反美的风口浪尖上退下来。 yeeyan




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