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Geim 基本例句 海姆¹⁰⁰ Geimreceived his Ph.D. from the Institute of Solid State Physics in Chernogolovka, Russia.盖姆于俄罗斯琴诺格洛夫加的固态物理研究所取得博士学位。 At that time, most laboratories began such attempts with soot, butGeimand his colleagues serendipitously started with bits of debris left over after splitting graphite by brute force.当时大多数实验室从碳灰著手,但盖姆和同事碰巧是从石墨被蛮力分割后留下的碎片开始动手。 Geimis a fellow of the Royal Society and Langworthy Professor of Physics at the University of Manchester in England.He also directs the Manchester Center for Mesoscience and Nanotechnology.他是英国皇家学会会士及曼彻斯特大学朗沃席物理学教授,同时担任曼彻斯特介观科学与奈米科技中心主管。 ProfessorGeimand his team have also found that graphene exhibits another remarkable quality, in that within it electrons can travel without any scattering over submicron distances.它还具有另一种显著的特性,也因此,它里面的电子可以不通过散射而进行亚微细距离移动。 Zeľgeim泽尔海姆 |