

单词 Geertz
释义 Geertz
In China, the proponents of this view base their theory on Geertz s theory of local knowledge and Montesquieu s relevant theory.
就当下国内学界而言,这种理论往往以吉尔兹、孟德斯鸠等人的相关论述作为逻辑起点。 dictall

In cultural anthropology, Clifford Geertz proposes the concept of local knowledge, which emphasizes the knowledge of cultural traits form in a particular environment.
在文化人类学中,吉尔兹提出地方性知识概念,它强调了在特定环境中形成的具有文化特质的知识。 kpyj.crsp.org.cn

On this basis, the author points out Geertz's contribution to the law anthropology.
在此基础上,作者把重点放在了克里福德·格尔茨的法人类学理论上。 fabiao

This chapter mainly borrowed from the American anthropologist Clifford Geertz“ Thick Description” approach to have an ethnographic deep description of the funeral ceremony of Hui minority.
本章主要借用美国人类学家克利福德·格尔兹的“深描”的方法,对回族丧葬仪式进行民族志的深描。 fabiao




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