

单词 Gdansk
释义 Gdansk ^ә'dɑ:nsk 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a port city of northern Poland near the mouth of the Vistula River on a gulf of the Baltic Sea; a member of the Hanseatic League in the 14th century近义词 Danzig但泽

用作名词The European Commission made a concession by approving a large state-aid programme for Poland's shipyard inGdansk.欧盟委员会做出让步,核准了波兰格但斯克一家由政府资助的大型造船厂。
The workers threatened to spoil the party inGdansk, so Mr Tusk moved it to Poland's southern university city, Cracow.而这些工人则威胁会破坏在格但斯克举行的聚会,因此图斯克将聚会地点改在了波兰南部的大学城克拉科夫。 Mr. Sarkozy is in Gdansk for an unrelated mini- summit of European leaders.
萨科奇正在格但斯科参加一个与此无关的小型欧洲领导人峰会。 focus

The prime minister, Donald Tusk, himself from Gdansk, had wanted to invite leaders of neighbouring countries to a big party there.
波兰总理唐纳德•图斯克他本人就来自格但斯克曾希望邀请邻国的领导人来波兰参加大型聚会。 ecocn

At this week's commemorative ceremonies in Gdansk, Mr Putin offered his Polish hosts some comfort see article.
在格丹斯克于本周举办的纪念仪式上,普京对他的波兰东道主给予了些许安抚参见相关文章。 ecocn

Cities like Gdansk, which we tend to forget about, unfortunately, which is a very important port then and still now.
像格达斯克这样的城市,也就渐渐淡出了人们的视野,而其实,它在当时和现在都仍是,非常重要的港口。 youdao

Easily accessible by train from Berlin or Warsaw, Gdansk is definitely worth a visit.
格但斯克的的确确是个值得去旅行的地方,在柏林或华沙坐火车到那里非常便捷。 hjenglish

Kaczynski, 60, had been a law professor at Gdansk University from1991 to1997.
1991年至1997年,卡钦斯基在格但斯克大学法学院任职,1998年任教于华沙大学。 hjenglish

Last year he went to Gdansk to mark the start of the war;
去年,他前往格但斯克市,这里曾是苏波战争的爆发地; ecocn

Last year he went to Gdansk to mark the start of the war; this year he knelt to commemorate victims of the Katyn massacre ordered by Stalin in1940.
去年他前往波兰格但斯克参加二战纪念活动。今年他单膝跪地纪念在1940年由斯大林策划的卡廷惨案中的死难者。 ecocn

Poland is hoping for German support for its own historical project, a second world war museum in Gdansk.
波兰正希望德国对他们自己的历史性项目给予支持——他们打算在格但斯克 Gdansk建造一个二战博物馆。 ecocn

Poles may sense a sell-out: Mr Putin's language at Gdansk last year fell short of the kowtow that some desire; it may be the same at Katyn.
波兰人可能会感到失望,因为去年普京在革但斯克未如一些波兰人希望的表示歉意,今年在卡廷活动中可能也是这样。 ecocn

She's a tough lady; she conquered the hearts of the people of Gdansk.
她是一个女强人,她征服了格但斯克人的心。 vip.book.sina.com.cn

The European Commission made a concession by approving a large state- aid programme for Poland’s shipyard in Gdansk.
欧洲委员会作出妥协,同意向位于 Gdansk的波兰船坞提供大规模国家级别援助。 ecocn

The river winds its way northward for 1,047 kilometers651 miles, through major cities such as Krakow and Warsaw, to Gdansk Bay on the Baltic Sea.
该河蜿蜒向北奔流1047千米651英里,穿过克拉科夫和华沙等波兰主要城市,由格但斯克湾进入波罗的海。 yeeyan

The workers threatened to spoil the party in Gdansk, so Mr Tusk moved it to Poland’s southern university city, Cracow.
而这些工人则威胁会破坏在格但斯克举行的聚会,因此图斯克将聚会地点改在了波兰南部的大学城克拉科夫。 ecocn

They sent hundreds of thousands of aid packages to Warsaw and Krakow and Gdansk at reduced German government postal rates.
德国政府降低邮资之后,他们又向华沙、克拉科夫和格但斯克寄去数十万援助包裹。 yeeyan

Ultimately, however, the row which threatens to eclipse a gathering on Tuesday of European leaders in Gdansk is not about history or the past.
然而,最终使周二格丹斯克 Gdansk欧洲领导人聚会黯然失色的争吵不是关于历史或者过去。 yeeyan




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