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词汇 Gazza
释义 Gazza
NowGazzasays Carrick can go from strength to strength.加斯科因说卡里克可以从强大变得更强。
And even more telling, from the England teamGazzawas second in the bleep tests once he moved to Italy.“测试第二名加斯科因也曾前往意大利。
And Venables says that likeGazza, Owen has the character to make a full recovery from the cruciate ligament and possible medial ligament damage.维纳布尔斯说道,欧文有和加斯科因一样的品质,完全的全十字韧带的伤中恢复过来。Daisie2> What footballers inspired you at the beginning of your career and why?Frank>Gazzaagain I was a West Ham so Tony Cottee was my West Ham idol. 在你职业生涯中,贾静雯专辑他和我踢相同的位置,神雕侠里古天乐西汉姆对阵利物浦.;我对此记忆忧新“I am sure likeGazzathat Michael will be back.Gazzarecovered to play for Lazio and went to Rangers as well as starring in Euro 96 for England.我肯定欧文会象加斯科因一样重新回到赛场。加斯科因恢复后在拉齐奥和勇士队效力过,还闪耀出现在了96年欧锦赛的英格兰队中。
He said:” When I watched Michael fall to the ground in Cologne the other night, the only word I could think of was devastating and it reminded me of what happened toGazza.他说:当我当天晚上看到欧文在科隆体育场倒在地上的时候,我唯一想到的就是非常严重,这让我想起了发生在加斯科因身上的情况。




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