释义 |
gaven 基本例句 n.加文 At last, the debugging result of the actual circuit wasgaven.最后给出了实际电路的调试结果。 He's nevergavenany praise to his wife ,just takes it for granted.他从不夸妻子;只是觉得她一切理当如此. Hegavenplace to the young people when he retired in this summer.他在今年夏天退休了;让位给年轻人. The furnace with costly tube material should begavenfrist priorit…管径选择应保证管内介质的流速满足流型要求,管内流型推荐雾状流; Only when he hsa been grown up did he realize the love what begavenby his father.直到他长大成人才真正体会到父亲对他的爱。 The creature chooses whether to deal lethal or nonlethal damage depending on the orders it isgavenby its creator.该生物造成的伤害种类取决于其制造者给予的命令。 |