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词汇 American empire
释义 American empire
The popularity of baseball has spread with theAmerican empireand is now played in ballparks from Toronto to Taipei, from Seattle to Seoul.随着美利坚帝国的发展,棒球也在广泛流行,从多伦多到台北,从西雅图到汉城,各地的球场上现在都有棒球赛在举行。
We need to study the political-economy of the rubber and canning industry and the relationship between the British and theAmerican empireas industrialisation began to take off.工业起飞年代的橡胶和包装工业,这两大工业中的政治经济学,以及英美两大帝国之间的关系,我们都需要研究了解。
The other provocatively suggests that the concept of empire has an undeservedly bad reputation and, further, the world could do a lot worse than having to live under a putativeAmerican empire.另一观点则发人深省地指称,帝国的概念不应该如此受到百般责难,事实上这个世界若不用活在所谓美国帝国统治之下,情况可能更为糟糕。
The burials are thought to have occurred between 1480 and 1535, with the site serving as a central cemetery for the Inca, who ruled a powerful SouthAmerican empirebefore being conquered by the Spanish.据认为,这些木乃伊葬于1480年至1535年间,此次考古挖掘所在地为印加国的主要墓地,印加国在被西班牙人征服之前是南美的一大帝国。
Consequently, the cultural history of Britain's NorthAmerican empirein the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries has been written almost as if the Southern colonies had never existed.因此,十七和十八世纪英国的北美殖民地帝国的文化史,对这方面的著述,几乎仿佛南方诸殖民地从不曾存在。




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