

单词 gastropod
释义 gas·tro·pod 英ˈgæstrəˌpɒd美ˈgæstrəˌpɑdAHDgăsʹtrə-pŏd' 高COCA⁹⁷⁴¹¹BNC⁵⁶⁷¹⁷iWeb⁴¹⁴⁹⁵
a class of mollusks typically having a one-piece coiled shell and flattened muscular foot with a head bearing stalked eyesgastro-, 胃,腹。-pod, 足。gastropod[动]腹足动物…
钱博士gastro腹部+pod足⇒腹足类动物gastro腹部+pod足⇒腹足类动物近义词 univalve单瓣的
The area farthest from the aperture and nearest the apex on a coiled gastropod shell.
螺旋部,螺塔,螺环:腹足纲动物螺壳上离开口处最远而离顶点最近的部分。 odict.net

Based on the gastropod's motion principles, a novel bionic micro- robot which could intervene in artery was introduced.
基于腹足动物运动机理,介绍了一种新型动脉内仿生介入微机器人。 dictall

Having the shape or form of a turret, as certain long-spired gastropod shells.
具有螺旋状的螺转体的,塔楼状的,如某些有高螺旋圆锥体的腹足类动物的壳。 odict.net

Sporopollen, conodontophorida and gastropod fossils have been found in the strata of the silurian& Ordovician period, all these have play an important role in identifying the time of these strata.
在志留纪、奥陶纪地层中发现孢粉、牙形刺及腹足类化石,对所属地层时代的厘定起了关键作用。 cnki

This strange Malaysian gastropod has a shell that defies the standard laws of shell twisting.
这种奇怪的马来群岛的腹足动物对外壳扭曲的标准法则提出了挑战。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

This gastropod from the Hydatinidae family was recently discovered living on a sperm whale carcass in the deep sea near Kagoshima in southern Japan.
这种腹足动物属于泡螺科是最近在日本南部靠近鹿儿岛的深海中一头抹香鲸的尸体上被发现的。 yeeyan




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