

单词 gastrectomy
释义 gas·trec·to·my 英gæˈstrektəmiː美gæˈstrɛktəmiAHDgă-strĕkʹtə-mē BNC⁴⁰⁵¹⁰iWeb⁴¹³⁴⁰
surgical removal of all or part of the stomach钱博士gastr胃+ec=ex,出去+tom切割+yS.名⇒阑尾切除术gastr胃+ec=ex,出去+tom切割+yS.名⇒阑尾切除术
用作名词Totalgastrectomyis a very important mode of therapy for gastric cancer.全胃切除术是治疗胃癌一种十分重要的手术方式。 A method of effect determination for acupuncture anesthesia in subtotal gastrectomy was also introduced.
作者还介绍了评定针麻胃大部切除手术效果的方法。 iciba

Conclusion A good nursing of nutritional supporting is important to improve the prognosis of patients received gastrectomy for gastric carcinoma.
结论做好营养支持的护理工作是改善胃癌胃切除术后患者预后的重要措施之一。 cnki

Conclusion EN is more efficient in metabolic effect, and superior to PN to improve immune function in patients after total gastrectomy.
结论全胃切除术后 EN支持比标准 PN支持有更好的代谢效果,能更好地恢复患者术后的免疫功能。 cnki

Conclusion Jejunal pouch and interposition reconstruction is the ideal procedure in improving the postoperative symptoms and the quality of life after total gastrectomy.
结论全胃切除后,间置空肠加袋术在改善病人术后症状和生活质量方面是比较理想的重建术式。 cnki

Conclusion Palliative gastrectomy may improve the survival of patients with advanced gastric cancer.
结论对于晚期胃癌病人,姑息性胃切除术可延长生存期。 cnki

Does that then suggest that one of these gastric bypass surgeries or the sleeve gastrectomy might be considered a treatment for diabetes now or in the future?
那么这是否提示,目前或未来,这些胃旁路术或袖状胃切除术中之一可能被视为糖尿病的一种治疗手段? www.idiabetes.com.cn

In most pancreatic gastrinomas only subtotal or total gastrectomy could be useful in this series.
在大多数胰的胃泌素瘤,只有胃次全或全切除有助。 cnki

It could be used to study the transplanted stomach in the abdominal multivisceral transplantation and the reconstruction after the total gastrectomy.
该模型可用于腹部多脏器移植中移植胃的相关研究及全胃切除术后代胃的研究。 cnki

Methods BAR were used in32 cases of alimentary tract reconstruction after gastrectomy to accomplish gastrointestinal anastomosis, including gastrojejunostomy and jejunojejunostomy.
方法全胃或胃部分切除后,用吻合环完成消化道重建32例,包括胃空肠吻合和空肠端侧吻合。 cnki

Objective To compare the clinical effects of different reconstructive alimentary canal for total gastrectomy.
目的比较全胃切除术后不同消化道重建术式的临床应用效果。 cnki

Objective To discuss the reconstruction techniques after radical total gastrectomy of stomach body cancer.
目的探讨胃体癌全胃切除术后消化道重建方式。 cnki

Objective To explore the influence of recovery after operation and cost of hospitalization by using early filling of intestinal nutrition to patients with total gastrectomy.
目的探讨早期肠内营养对全胃切除手术患者术后恢复以及住院费用的影响。 cnki

Objective To explore a method to reduce the occurrence of pancreatic leakage after total gastrectomy combined with distal pancreatectomy.
目的探讨一种降低全胃切除联合远端胰腺切除术后胰漏发生的术式。 cnki

Objective To explore a rather ideal reconstruction of alimentary tract for every type of gastrectomy.
目的探索一种可选择用于各种胃切除术的消化道重建术式。 cnki

Objective To study and summarize the cause and preoperative method of massive hemorrhage of upper gastrointestinal tract after gastrectomy.
目的探讨和总结胃切除术后上消化道大出血的原因及再手术方法。 chemyq

Objective To summarize the experiences of nursing of nutritional supporting after gastrectomy for gastric carcinoma.
目的总结胃癌胃切除术后营养支持的护理经验。 cnki

Objective: To manage the reason and treatment of ejection disturbance after subtotal gastrectomy.
目的:探讨胃大部分切除术后排空障碍的原因和治疗。 cnki

Objective:To compare the clinical effects of different reconstructive alimentary canal for total gastrectomy.
目的:比较两种全胃切除术后消化道重建术式的临床应用效果。 cnki

Objective:To investigate the effect of early postoperative enteral nutritionEN on the function of intestinal mucosa after total gastrectomy.
目的:观察全胃切除术后早期肠内营养支持对肠黏膜屏障的保护效果。 cnki

Purpose To summarize the therapeutic experience of surgical treatment for remnantstump gastric, cardiac or esophageal carcinoma in patients after gastrectomy.
目的总结胃大部或全胃切除术后因残胃部癌、贲门部癌或食管部癌再次手术的治疗经验。 tech.zidian8.com

Sleeve gastrectomy: This operation closes off three- quarters of the stomach, leaving a narrow tube.
胃隔离手术:胃的3/4被隔离,仅剩狭窄管状。 yeeyan

The first patient underwent total laryngectomy for laryngeal cancer without sacrificing the thyroid gland and partial gastrectomy for gastric cancer.
第一例患者患有喉癌和胃癌,接受全喉切除术和部分胃切除术并保留甲状腺。 dxy

Total gastrectomy is one of radical resections for gastric cancer.
全胃切除术是常见的胃癌根治术之一。 cnki




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