

单词 Garten
释义 gar·ten AHDˈgärtə̇n COCA⁶⁸⁹⁸²BNC⁷⁴¹⁶¹
Added Garten, “ I don't know how much longer I can keep killing myself like this.”
加藤补充道,“我不知道我可以坚持多久,这样地精疲力竭我自己。” yeeyan

I’ve seen the ospreys at Loch Garten, near Aviemore, and these majestic birds have been back at their nesting sight for a couple of weeks now.
我曾在靠近阿维摩尔的哥腾湖看到鱼鹰,这些雄伟的大鸟现在已回到筑巢地小住几周。 yeeyan

In her memoir she reminisces about how the McGovern staffers would sometimes drive up to Austin for beers at Scholz Garten, a traditional Democratic hangout.
在她的自传中,她回忆到麦戈文的工作人员有时候如何开车去 Austin,去传统上民主党常光顾的Scholz Garten酒吧喝啤酒。 ecocn

Joseph Garten, a production designer, notorious procrastinator, and all-around liability, said that he wished he got more respect around the office.
制作设计师约瑟夫.加藤是臭名昭著的做事拖延者以及全能累赘者,他说他希望在办公室里能得到更多的尊重。 yeeyan

The firm might not exist without the IDF, says Eli Garten, a vice- presidentwho commanded34 soldiers in an air-force intelligence agency when he was20.
没有 IDF这家公司也许就不存在了,副总裁 Eli Garten说道。 他20岁时在空军情报部门管理34名士兵。 ecocn




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