

单词 ganguli
释义 ganguliCOCA¹⁹⁹³⁸⁰BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Mr Ganguli and his wife find their children becoming strangers to them— revelling in American pop culture and embarrassed by the Bengali community's idiosyncratic ways.
阿索科和妻子感受到孩子和他们的距离越来越远—整日沉迷于美国的大众文化,并且因孟加拉人有特殊的癖好而感到羞耻。 ecocn

When her husband, Ashoke Ganguli, leaves home early to work on his PhD thesis, she is left alone to grapple with the mystery of the American breakfast.
她的丈夫 Ashoke Ganguli清早离家去攻克博士论文的时候,她独自一人努力学做美式早餐。 ecocn

Mr Ganguli snags an academic job, fathers two perfect children, moves to the suburbs and acquires an entourage of Bengali friends.
Ganguli先生经过努力获得了一份学术职位,有两个个十分出色的孩子,他举家迁往郊外的孟加拉社区。 ecocn

But it is also an excuse for a thought experiment: imagine how much poorer America would be without the likes of Mr Ganguli.
但也借此机会让人们想一想:如果没有像阿索科这样的人,美国会有多穷。 ecocn




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