

单词 ambush
释义 am·bush 英ˈæmbʊʃ美ˈæmbʊʃAHDămʹb‹sh

the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise
wait in hiding to attackhunt quarry by stalking and ambushing古代的日耳曼人以游牧和捕猎为生,是天生的猎人和战士,特别擅长在森林里伏击野兽或敌人。公元9年,多个日耳曼部落联合起来,在首领海尔曼hermann的率领下,在条顿堡森林设下天罗地网,与古罗马的三个精锐军团展开了一场惨烈的战斗。擅长在平原上排成方阵作战的罗马士兵在地形狭窄的森林里战斗力大受影响,三个军团两万多名将士全部被围歼,生还的不足一百人。条顿堡战役打破了罗马军队不可战胜的神话,使日耳曼人赢得了独立,可为是德国历史上乃至整个日耳曼民族历史上最重要的一场战役。
ambush:'æmbʊʃ n.埋伏,伏击,伏兵vt.伏击vi.埋伏ambush marketing埋伏式营销be in ambush埋伏着fall into an ambush中埋伏make an ambush设下埋伏lie in ambush埋伏着lay an ambush设下埋伏hide in ambush埋伏着lay an ambush for设下埋伏等待……set an ambush设下埋伏等待……set an ambush for设下埋伏等待……make an ambush for设下埋伏
钱博士am=in,进入,在里面+bush灌木丛→躲在灌木丛中⇒埋伏,伏击am=in,进入,在里面+bush灌木丛→躲在灌木丛中⇒埋伏,伏击。联想记忆am + bush矮树丛⇒埋伏在矮树丛里近义词 wait等trap圈套lurk潜藏in在 … 里place地方waylay伏击attack攻击hiding隐藏ensnare诱捕lying说谎的surprise惊奇ambuscade埋伏bushwhack埋伏scupper排水口still-hunt伏击lie in wait伏击hiding place躲藏处surprise attack突然袭击waylaying动词waylay的现在进…take by surprise突然攻占撞见…lying in wait法 埋伏, 伏击, …

用作名词He suspected anambush.他感到有埋伏。
They laid anambushfor the enemy patrol.他们埋伏起来准备伏击巡逻的敌人。
Theambushwas a dozen well-armed men.以少数武装兵做伏兵。用作动词If we go in after them, they canambushus easily.只要我们跟进去,他们就能轻易地打我们一个埋伏。
The soldiers were arrayed on the hill toambushthe Japanese army.兵力就部署在这个小山 上以伏击日军.noun.lying in wait;concealed position
同义词 ambuscade,camouflage,concealment,deception,hiding,lurking,pitfall,shelter,trap,trick,waitingwaylayingambushment,hiding placeverb.lie in wait;attack
同义词 assault,surround,trap,waylayambuscade,assail,bushwhack,decoy,ensnare,entrap,hide,hook,jump,lurk,net,surprise,waitbox in,dry gulch,hem in,lay for,set trap
attackverb assault physically
advance,aggress,assail,assault,bash,bat,bean,beat,beset,besiege,biff,blast,boff,bombard,boot,bop,brain,bust,charge,chop down,clip,clock,club,combat,cook,harm,hit,hurt,infiltrate,invade,jump,kick,knock block off,knock cold,knock for a loop,larrup,lay siege to,light into,molest,mug,overwhelm,pounce upon,punch,raid,rush,set upon,slog,soak,stab,storm,strike,take the offensive,turn on,wallop,whop
attacksverb assault physically
advances,aggresses,ambushes,assails,assaults,bashes,bats,beans,beats,besets,besieges,biffs,blasts,blisters,boffs,bombards,boots,bops,brains,busts,charges,chops down,clips,clocks,clubs,combats,cooks,harms,hits,hurts,infiltrates,invades,jumps,kicks,knocks block off,knocks cold,knocks for a loop,larrups,lies siege to,light into,molests,mugs,overwhelms,pounce upon,punches,raids,rushes,sets upon,slogs,soaks,stabs,storms,strikes,takes the offensive,turns on,wallops,whops
booby trapnoun concealed trap
ambush,baited trap,deadfall,decoy,hidden danger,land mine,mine,mousetrap,pitfall,setup,snare,trap,trip wire
defeatverb conquer in military manner
ambush,annihilate,bar,bear down,beat,best,block,butcher,crush,decimate,demolish,discomfit,drown,entrap,finish off,halt,hinder,impede,lick,mow down,obliterate,obstruct,outflank,outmaneuver,overpower,overrun,overthrow,overwhelm,parry,prevail over,quell,reduce,repel,repress,repulse,roll back,rout,route,sack,scatter,shipwreck,sink,slaughter,smash,subdue,subjugate,suppress,surmount,swamp,torpedo,trample,trash,upset,vanquish,whip,wipe out
defeatnoun overthrow, beating
defeatsnoun overthrow, beating
KOS,ambushes,annihilation,beatings,blows,breakdowns,breaks,checks,collapses,conquests,counts,debacles,defeasances,destructions,discomfiture,downthrows,drubbings,embarrassments,exterminations,failures,falls,insuccesses,killings,lacings,lickings,losses,massacres,mastery,nonsuccesses,paddlings,rebuffs,repulses,reverses,routs,ruins,scalpings,setbacks,shellackings,slaughters,subjugation,thrashings,traps,trashings,trimmings,triumphs,trouncings,vanquishments,waxings,whaling,whippings,whitewashings An order of nolle prosequi, founded on his well authenticated state of intoxication on the evening of the ambush, had set him at liberty. He had taken to his heels.
由于查明伏击的那个夜晚,他处于酒醉状态,命令规定对他不予追究,释放了他,他恢复了自由。 ebigear

Joshua had taken about five thousand men and set them in ambush between Bethel and Ai, to the west of the city.
他挑了约有五千人,使他们埋伏在伯特利和艾城的中间,就是在艾城的西边. ebigear

The hats were an“ ambush marketing” campaign, in which companies try to promote their brands at sporting events without paying sponsorship fees.
因为,派发帽子属于一种“埋伏式营销”手段,商家企图不支付赞助费就在体育赛事中推广自己的品牌。 yeeyan

The head of the Israeli army's northern command said troops had been caught in a “ premeditated” ambush by Lebanese soldiers.
以色列军队北方司令部负责人表示军队已经在黎巴嫩士兵的“预谋”伏击中遭殃。 www.etiri.com.cn

The ambush came two days after the rebels beheaded an officer elsewhere in India and served as another reminder of their increasingly brazen tactics.
伏击发生在一位警官被叛乱分子在印度某地斩首两天之后,这是叛乱分子下三滥策略的又一个证据。 yeeyan

There was much discussion as to what the battle should be called, hi the end it was named the Battle of the Cowshed, since that was where the ambush had been sprung.
大家对如何给这场战斗命名的问题发生了不小的争论,最终被命名为“牛棚大战”,因为伏击是从那里发起的。 yeeyan

A group of tigers is called a “ streak” or an “ ambush”.
有一组老虎被称为“条纹”或“伏兵”。 yeeyan

A month later an ambush left at least 28 Tajik soldiers dead.
一个月后,一场伏击导致28名塔吉克士兵的死亡。 ecocn

After the discovery of the enemy columns, a part of the group mines a road and organizes the ambush.
在发现了敌方动向后,一组人埋伏在路边准备进行一次伏击。 yeeyan

Andre Drazen’s men see the armed security and wait for the power to be cut off for their ambush.
安德烈.德拉赞的雇佣军注视着武装的警卫们,等待着电力被切断,准备伏击。 yeeyan

But First and Second Platoons had to trek back through ambush country, under a full moon.
而一排二排不得不在塔利班的埋伏中艰难行进。 那晚还是满月。 yeeyan

Enemy was totally destroyed at the ambush point.
敌人在伏击点全部被歼。 kekenet

Hamas killed four Israeli settlers in a roadside ambush last week to express opposition to the peace talks, and on Saturday it fired a rocket at Israel.
哈马斯成员上星期在一次路边伏击中杀死了四名以色列定居者,以表达对以巴和谈的反对。星期六,哈马斯向以色列发射了一枚火箭。 voanews

Hunting prey uses a lot of energy, Sagarin explained, which is why predators seek to ambush their prey.
塞格瑞恩解释说,狩猎猎物要耗用大量精力,这就是食肉动物寻求伏击猎物的原因。 yeeyan

Marketers tend to launch ambush campaigns only once an event has started, making pre- emptive strikes almost impossible.
营销商通常只在赛事开始后才启动“伏击战”,组办方几乎不可能发动预先扫荡。 ecocn

Not300 meters on, they fell into the ambush.
不足300米处,他们遭受埋伏。 yeeyan

Now Jeroboam had sent troops around to the rear, so that while he was in front of Judah the ambush was behind them.
耶罗波安却在犹大人的后头设伏兵。这样,以色列人在犹大人的前头,伏兵在犹大人的后头。 ebigear

The team thinks the colossal squid ekes out an existence as a “sit and float” predator, grabbing the occasional passing fish, or by lying in ambush.
研究团队认为,大王乌贼在勉强维持着一种状态,即它是个“且栖且游”的食肉动物,会突然抓着偶尔经过身边的鱼类,其他时间则躺在那里埋伏。 yeeyan

The world's largest predatory fish. Famous for its“ ambush” technique of grabbing prey from below.
这种世界上最大的食肉类鱼因其从底部“埋伏”捕猎的高超技术而闻名。 yeeyan

The ambush was the work of rebels led by a former military police chief, Alfredo Reinado.
对霍尔塔的伏击是前军警领导人雷纳多领导的反叛分子所为。 ebigear

They'll travel around Iraq in60 mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles, hundreds of armored cars and a fleet of airplanes and helicopters.
他们将奔走于伊拉克各个角落,出行时靠60辆防雷防伏击车辆、数百辆装甲车及一个战斗机、直升机编队。 yeeyan

Thus there is plenty of scope for politics to ambush the markets in2011, even though it is not a presidential- election year in America.
于是便有着大量的空间使政治在2011年去伏击市场,尽管来年不是美国的总统选举年。 ecocn.org

Ambush marketers have replaced hooligans as the villains of sporting events, because they undermine official sponsors, which are the main source of revenue in some sports.
由于那些伏击营销的制造者损害了官方赞助商的利益这些赞助商是赛事的主要收入来源,因此他们已经取代那些小流氓成为体育赛事的“坏蛋”。 ecocn




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