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词汇 gallows
释义 gal·lows 英ˈgæləʊz美ˈgælozAHDgălʹōz ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝八COCA³³²⁷⁰BNC³⁰³⁷²iWeb²⁵²²⁶Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

an instrument of execution consisting of a wooden frame from which a condemned person is executed by hanging来自PIE*ghalgh, 杆,棍。用来指绞刑架。gallows humour面临大难时的幽默…gallows humor充满怨恨的幽默…gallows bird应受绞刑的人…gallows tree绞架gallows look法 犯死罪的面相…towing gallows拖缆承梁central gallows for counterpoise地网中心架gallows plow双轮单铧犁gallows frame门形吊架gallows timber木构架central gallows for antenna天线中心架gallows bracket木构架斜撑have the gallows in one's face有犯死罪的面相…cheat the gallows逃脱绞刑,逃避死罪…power of gallows and pit绞杀男罪犯或淹死女罪…power of pit and gallows苏史贵族淹死…
GRE红宝书gall胆汁, low低-让人胆小的东西-绞刑架gall low s: 胆汁低下去s掉了-被执行绞刑-绞刑架
gall 胆汁 + low 低→胆汁低,胆小→看到绞刑架胆小;音:高楼死,高楼那么高的绞刑架掉下绞死;音:嗝喽死,犯人嗓子嗝喽一声被绳子绞死
分割记忆:gall胆汁+low低下→胆小→ 让人惊恐的东西→绞刑架
联想记忆gall胆汁+low低下+ s → 让人胆小 ⇒绞刑架GRE难词记忆gallows→allows v.允许→不允许使用绞刑近义词 arm臂tree树rope绳索beam微笑noose套索gibbet绞架scaffold鹰架execution处决crossbeam大梁hanging悬挂着的gallows tree绞架

用作名词The murderer was sentenced to thegallows.杀人犯被判处绞刑。
They did not send an innocent man to thegallows.被他们送上绞架的并不是一个无辜的人。
Only our brand ofgallowshumor saves us from utter despair.只有我们招牌式的黑色幽默把我们从完全的绝望中拯救出来。 for hanging
同义词 gibbet,hanging,noose,potence,rope,scaffold
punishmentnoun penalty
abuse,amercement,beating,castigation,chastening,chastisement,comeuppance,confiscation,correction,deprivation,disciplinary action,discipline,forfeit,forfeiture,hard work,infliction,just desserts,lumps,maltreatment,mortification,mulct,ostracism,pain,penance,proof,punitive measures,purgatory,reparation,retribution,rod,rough treatment,sanction,sequestration,short shrift,slave labor,suffering,torture,trial,unhappiness,victimization,what for
punishmentsnoun penalty
abuses,amercements,beatings,castigation,chastenings,chastisement,comeuppances,confiscations,corrections,deprivations,disciplinary actions,disciplines,forfeits,forfeitures,gallows,hard works,inflictions,just desserts,lumps,maltreatment,mortifications,mulcts,ostracism,pains,penance,proofs,punitive measures,purgatories,reparations,retribution,rods,rough treatments,sanctions,sequestrations,short shrifts,slave labors,sufferings,tortures,trials,unhappiness,victimization,what fors In the old days, before the invention of the gallows, criminals were hanged from the top rung of a ladder.
从前,在绞刑架还没有发明之前,罪犯是站在梯子的顶端被吊死的。 voa365

Postcards and posters show Gaddafi dangling from a gallows, as a baby in nappies or pushing a wheelbarrow containing his second son, Saif al-Islam.
在一张宣传海报上,卡扎菲摇身一变成为身穿尿布的婴儿;在另一张海报上,卡扎菲又推起了独轮手推车,上面坐着他的次子赛义夫。 yeeyan

Richard Crowninshield thought he would avoid the gallows—and might well have— had Joe Knapp not confessed his role in the plot to the Rev. Colman.
理查德·克劳宁希尔德以为自己能逃脱绞刑——事实也的确如此,因为乔·克纳普不承认他先前对科尔曼神父的供词。 yeeyan

That was how Truman Capote summed up the murders with somewhat greater drama, referring to the four Clutter victims and their two attackers who died later on the gallows.
杜鲁门·卡波特用戏剧化的语言概括了这场凶杀案,他指的六个人是克拉特家的四个受害者,以及被处以绞刑的两名入侵者。 yeeyan

The topic of the guidelines became a platform for the spontaneous gallows humor that is characteristic of China's microblogging masses.

Then said Esther, If it please the king, let it be granted to the Jews which are in Shushan to do to morrow also according unto this day's decree, and let Haman's ten sons be hanged upon the gallows.
以斯帖说,王若以为美,求你准书珊的犹大人,明日也照今日的旨意行,并将哈曼十个儿子的尸首挂在木架上。 ebigear

A piece of rope lies in the gallows room of Abu Ghraib prison, where Saddam Hussein detained, tortured and executed tens of thousands of Iraqis.
阿布格莱布监狱绞刑室内的一段粗绳。在这里,萨达姆·侯赛因拘禁,拷打和处决了好几万伊拉克人。 cnnas

But psychologists say that gallows humor can be an important way to relieve stress.
但心理学家们认为,黑色幽默可能成为一种重要的解压方式。 cri

I did what I was told and those two criminals went to the gallows and they were hung.
我听了养父的话就讲给国王,国王证实后将那两个罪犯被绞死。 yeeyan

I was in the condition of mind to be shocked at nothing: in fact, I was as reckless as some malefactors show themselves at the foot of the gallows.

In“ Ode for Stalin's70th Birthday”, he listed the fates reserved for the brave: kickings with jack- boots, bullets to the head, the gallows.
在《颂诗——献给斯大林70大寿》一文中,他将勇者的命运一一列出:军靴无情踢打、枪口抵住脑门、绞架赫然入目… ecocn

Jack, that compass. That's all I need. Elizabeth is in danger. We're all arrested for trying to help you. She faces the gallows!

Many ordinary people believed it was false: pirates were often rescued from the gallows by supportive crowds.
那时侯,海盗常常被支持他们的群众从绞刑架上救下来,很多现在的老百姓都认为这些事是虚造出来的。 yeeyan

My finger, pointed at this man, would have hurled him from his pulpit into a dungeon- thence, peradventure, to the gallows!
我的手指指着他,只消一动,就可以把他从布道坛上抛到牢狱中去——甚至还会把他抛到绞刑架上! hjenglish

One in particular concerns Gallows Hill, the site of several hangings, which is said to be haunted by the spirits of the19 people lynched for being witches.
其中特别提到绞刑山,即几个绞刑的执行地,据说那被指责为巫婆而私刑绞死的19个人的鬼魂经常在那里出现。 kekenet

One tableau recreated a mass hanging designed to crush the anti- colonial resistance complete with wooden gallows and dangling corpses.
其中的一个舞台剧用木头托架和悬空的死尸重现了当时的一场大规模绞首事件意大利对反抗殖民统治的利比亚人民的残酷镇压。 yeeyan

People die over that. People have gone to the gallows and concentration camps over the issue of who they are.
人们可以为此牺牲生命,在归属认同的问题上,人们不惜走上绞刑架,不惜被关入集中营。 putclub

So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai.
于是人将哈曼挂在他为末底改所预备的木架上。 ebigear

The murderer entreated the judge for mercy, but was sentenced to the gallows.

The alchemist would be dressed in a tinsel suit and hanged from a gallows covered in gold-colored foil.
那个炼金术士将会被穿上金箔装饰的衣服,在贴着金箔的绞刑架上吊死。 yeeyan

Then again, another popular theory is that a fear of walking under a ladder has to do with its resemblance to a medieval gallows.
同样,另一种流行的说法是说在恐惧在梯子下行走和梯子与中世纪绞架相似有关系。 yeeyan

There was a lot of gallows humor, with sheikhs and their bodyguards speculating about how many bullets it would take to finish off the more portly attendees.
会议上冒出了很多黑色幽默,族长和他们的保镖调侃说,不知道要报销来开会的大胖子需要多少颗子弹。 yeeyan

They did not send an innocent man to the gallows.
被他们送上绞架的并不是一个无辜的人。 ecocn

With so much bad news in the workplace, gallows humor is making a comeback.
由于工作场所的坏消息如此之多,黑色幽默又卷土重来了。 cri

You see what I mean about the situation being funny in a gallows- humor fashion?
现在您明白了我说的按照黑色幽默的说法,形势非常滑稽的意思了吧? yeeyan




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