

单词 gallops
释义 gal·lop·s 英'ɡæləp美'ɡæləp COCA⁵⁰⁶⁰⁶BNC⁴⁹¹³⁷Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
vt. & vi. 使疾驰

cause to go at a gallop

vi. 匆匆地做

hurry to do sth

a fast gait of a horse; a two-beat stride during which all four legs are off the ground simultaneously
ride at a galloping pace;

He was galloping down the road

go at galloping speed;

The horse was galloping along

cause to move at full gallop;

Did you gallop the horse just now?

gallop, race, run


race指与他人比较走得快慢,强调速度上的比赛; gallop多指马全速奔跑,也可指人飞快地跑; run指以一定的速度跑。例如:

I'll race you to the end of the road.我和你比赛,看谁先跑到这路的尽头。
Don't bother galloping after the bus, you'll never catch it.别费劲去追赶那辆公共汽车了,你怎么也赶不上的。
I used to run when I was in middle school.我在中学的时候常常跑步。
用作动词 v.
~+副词gallop breathlessly气喘吁吁地奔跑gallop stiffly艰难地飞奔gallop swiftly迅速飞奔gallop away疾驰而去gallop off奔驰而去~+介词gallop across the field驰过田野gallop down the road沿大路疾驰而去gallop over〔through〕匆匆地做gallop over a book匆匆读完一本书
gallop across v.+prep.

驰过… move at the fastest speed through (a place)

gallop across sthHe galloped across the field.他骑马驰过田野。
gallop away v.+adv.

飞跑 move quickly

gallop awayThe boy galloped away to join his friends.那男孩飞跑着加入了伙伴们的行列。
The frightened horse galloped away.那匹受惊的马疾驰而去。
gallop down v.+prep.

沿…奔驰 move quickly along sth

gallop down sthThe horse galloped down the hill.马疾驰下山。
I told you not to gallop up and down this corridor.我对你说过,不要在这走廊里奔来奔去。gallop sth down sthHe galloped his horse down the road.他沿着这条路策马奔驰而去。
gallop off v.+adv.

飞奔而去 move quickly

gallop offThey galloped off on their horses.他们骑马飞奔而去。
gallop over v.+prep.

匆匆做完 finish doing sth hurriedly

gallop through v.+prep.

〈非正〉仓促地做某事(; )匆匆地进行某活动( hurry through sth such as an activity)

近义词 run跑fly飞ride骑trot疾走dash猛冲bolt门闩race赛跑speed速度career生涯hurtle猛冲charge责任extend延伸bound必定的sprint全力奔跑lope使大步慢跑…
S+~+AThe children galloped home as soon as the class was over.孩子们一下课便飞奔回家了。
Prices galloped.物价飞涨。
Japan is galloping ahead in the race to develop new technology.日本在发展新技术的竞争中进展迅速,日新月异。
S+~+ n./pron.He galloped the horse along the track.他沿着跑道策马疾驰。
They galloped the guns to the front.他们把大炮迅速运至前方。



用作名词The horse went off at agallopacross the field.那匹马疾驰起来跑过田野。
All the horses broke into agallop.所有的马突然飞奔起来。
The donkey began to trot faster , then togallop.驴开始跑得快起来了,然后飞奔。用作动词Two peoplegallopwhip and spur, do not come in the city a little while.两人快马加鞭飞驰,不一会儿就来到城里。
When running free, the Afghan Hound moves at agallop, showing great elasticity and spring in his smooth, powerful stride.自由奔跑时,阿富汗猎犬是飞驰的,它平稳有力的步幅显示出极大的弹力和跳跃力。 A horse gallops with his lungs, perseveres with his heart, and wins with his character.
马依靠肺脏奔跑;依靠心脏坚持下去,考性格取得胜利。 blog.sina.com.cn

A sheep crab gallops clumsily across the brittle star garden.
一只大螃蟹正笨拙地穿越海星花园。 blog.sina.com.cn

As unemployment spirals, industrial production slumps, inflation gallops, the rouble slides and the budget creaks, ordinary Russians are wondering what is going on.
由于失业攀升,生产萧条,通胀高飞,卢布急跌,加上预算拮据,普通俄国人对接下来会发生什么茫然不知所措。 yeeyan

Every time a dog gallops up the straight at Reg's property, it gallops out of the starting boxes and behind the drag lure and with another dog.
每次狗急驰直接注册的财产,它急驰出来的启动器,和背后的拖动诱惑,与其他狗。 sgou

Gary's heart gallops as he calls home.
加里给家里打电话时心急如焚。 hotdic

Napoleon gallops past the line of fugitives, harangues, urges, threatens, entreats them.
拿破仑奔驰在那些逃兵的面前,鼓励他们,督促他们,威吓他们,央求他们。 ebigear

The horse gallops on.
马继续向前奔驰。 blog.sina.com.cn

The night gallops on its shadowy mare shedding blue tassels over the land.
暗夜在它阴郁的梦魇中疾走,在大地上撒下缕缕蓝色的穗缨。 blog.sina.com.cn

The gallops are three quarters of the way around the farm and it looks to be on a par with Chester races, although not as wide.
马场标志被树立在马场马场周围的道路上,就和切斯特赛马比赛是一样的。 iciba




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