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词汇 Galileo Galilei
释义 Ga·li·le·o Ga·li·lei 英ˌgæləˈliːəʊ ˌgæləˈleɪ, -ˈleɪəʊ美ˌgæləˈlio ˌgæləˈle, -ˈleoAHDgăl'ə-lēʹō găl'ə-lāʹ, -lāʹō 短语¹⁰⁶¹⁰⁰⁺

Italian astronomer and mathematician who was the first to use a telescope to study the stars; demonstrated that different weights descend at the same rate; perfected the refracting telescope that enabled him to make many discoveries 1564-1642Galileo Galileiwas born in Pisa, Italy, in1564.伽利略·利莱伊1564年生于意大利的比萨。
Everybody here knows the story ofGalileo Galilei.大家都听说过伽利略·加利莱伊的故事。
Galileo Galilei;Italian astronomer and physicist.只能帮助他靠自己的力量来发现其中的规律。
Or, at least, our perception of it did, thanks toGalileo Galilei's scrutiny of the night sky with a telescope.或者说,由于伽利略利用望远镜对夜晚的星空做的详细的观察,至少我们对它的认知发生了改变。
Galileo Galilei, who saw further than anyone before him, goes blind.In 1642 , he dies.比当时任何人都有远见的伽利略双目失明,死于1642年。
Some fanous People of Italy are Christopher Columbus,an explorer,Leonardo Da Vinci,an artist,andGalileo Galilei.(意大利的一些名人包括发现新大陆的哥伦布、画家达芬奇和物理学家伽利略。 In1610, Galileo Galilei became the first person to observe Saturn's rings; however, he described them as“ ears.”
1610年伽利略就已经是第一个观测到土星光环的人了,不过当时他把光环称之为“耳朵”。 kekenet

On Jan.7,1610, Galileo Galilei's improvements to the telescope enabled humanity to see Jupiter's four largest moons for the first time.
1610年1月7日,伽利略·伽利莱对望远镜的改进帮助人类首次看到木星四颗最大的卫星。 yeeyan

The last time a lunar eclipse occurred on the winter solstice, astronomer Galileo Galilei was languishing under house arrest for suggesting the Earth circled the sun.
上一次月食与冬至相遇时,天文学家伽利略还因提出地球围绕太阳旋转的理论而被软禁,正在遭受折磨。 yeeyan

December28,1612: Galileo Galilei becomes the first astronomer to observe the planet Neptune, although he mistakenly catalogued it as a fixed star.
1612年12月28日: 意大利天文学家伽利略成为首个观测到行星海王星的天文学家,但他误以为是一颗恒星。 sparke

Indeed the church would imprison Galileo Galilei, an Italian astronomer, for advocating the sun-centred model of the universe a century later.
当然教会一定会反对,因为100年后,教会就囚禁了日心说的拥护者伽利略。 ecocn

Ironically, Galileo Galilei spotted Neptune more than200 years earlier but wrongly assumed the planet was just a star.
具有讽刺意味的是,伽利略早在200多年前就发现了海王星,却误认为这只是一颗恒星。 yeeyan

Michelangelo, Gioacchino Rossini, Galileo Galilei.

So observed Galileo Galilei.
伽利略这样说道。 douban

Though Galileo Galilei’s book was not published until1610, he first picked up the telescope that provided the material for it in1609.
虽然伽利略•加里雷的书直到1610年才出版,然而在1609年他第一次举起望远镜,为《星际信使》提供了素材。 ecocn

Witness Galileo Galilei, an early and vocal proponent of heliocentrism and regarded by many as the first true physicist.
证人伽利略、早期和大声呼吁日心说和让许多人认为第一个真实的物理学家。 tianyayd

Galileo Galilei asked himself the question: Why are mammals as large as they are and not much larger?

The second was the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei.
另一个重大发现则是伽利略•加利雷首次使用天文望远镜。 ecocn




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