

单词 galilei
释义 galileiCOCA⁸²⁹⁴²BNC⁶⁰⁴⁹⁷
Did Galileo Galilei go with his gut rather than his data?
伽利略相信的不是他的数据,而是他的心吗? yeeyan

In1610, Galileo Galilei became the first person to observe Saturn's rings; however, he described them as“ ears.”
1610年伽利略就已经是第一个观测到土星光环的人了,不过当时他把光环称之为“耳朵”。 kekenet

On August25th1609 an Italian mathematician called Galileo Galilei demonstrated his newly constructed telescope to the merchants of Venice.
1609年8月25日,一位名叫伽利略的意大利数学家向威尼斯商人们展示他新发明的望远镜。 ecocn

On Jan.7,1610, Galileo Galilei's improvements to the telescope enabled humanity to see Jupiter's four largest moons for the first time.
1610年1月7日,伽利略·伽利莱对望远镜的改进帮助人类首次看到木星四颗最大的卫星。 yeeyan

The last time a lunar eclipse occurred on the winter solstice, astronomer Galileo Galilei was languishing under house arrest for suggesting the Earth circled the sun.
上一次月食与冬至相遇时,天文学家伽利略还因提出地球围绕太阳旋转的理论而被软禁,正在遭受折磨。 yeeyan

The real scientific revolution didn't realize itself at last until Newton instructed classical mechanics system from Kepler, Galilei and so on.
真正的科学革命,是经过了开普勒、伽利略等人的努力,到了牛顿确立经典力学体系才终于实现的。 cnki

December28,1612: Galileo Galilei becomes the first astronomer to observe the planet Neptune, although he mistakenly catalogued it as a fixed star.
1612年12月28日: 意大利天文学家伽利略成为首个观测到行星海王星的天文学家,但他误以为是一颗恒星。 sparke

Galileo Galilei asked himself the question: Why are mammals as large as they are and not much larger?
伽利略曾问过自己:,为什么哺乳动物只有这么大,不能更大点呢? open.163.com

Indeed the church would imprison Galileo Galilei, an Italian astronomer, for advocating the sun-centred model of the universe a century later.
当然教会一定会反对,因为100年后,教会就囚禁了日心说的拥护者伽利略。 ecocn

Ironically, Galileo Galilei spotted Neptune more than200 years earlier but wrongly assumed the planet was just a star.
具有讽刺意味的是,伽利略早在200多年前就发现了海王星,却误认为这只是一颗恒星。 yeeyan

January7,1610: Galileo Galilei observes three of the four largest moons of Jupiter for the first time. He named them, and in turn the four are called the Galilean moons.
1610年1月7日: 意大利天文学家伽利略用望远镜首次发现三颗木星的卫星木卫一、木卫二和木卫四。 sparke

Michelangelo, Gioacchino Rossini, Galileo Galilei.
米开朗基罗,罗西尼,伽利略。 cineseitalia.com

So observed Galileo Galilei.
伽利略这样说道。 douban

The second was the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei.
另一个重大发现则是伽利略•加利雷首次使用天文望远镜。 ecocn

Though Galileo Galilei’s book was not published until1610, he first picked up the telescope that provided the material for it in1609.
虽然伽利略•加里雷的书直到1610年才出版,然而在1609年他第一次举起望远镜,为《星际信使》提供了素材。 ecocn

Witness Galileo Galilei, an early and vocal proponent of heliocentrism and regarded by many as the first true physicist.
证人伽利略、早期和大声呼吁日心说和让许多人认为第一个真实的物理学家。 tianyayd

Galilei, Newton, Einstein, Rutherferd established the epochal scientific theories by designing ideal experiments and establishing ideal models.
伽俐略、牛顿、爱因斯坦、卢瑟福等人通过设计理想实验和建立理想模型创建了划时代的科学理论。 cnki




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