释义 |
gains and losses短语⁶³⁴³³ 基本例句 得和失 A calm woman can avoid the risk of participation in a fight because she doesn't value the gains and losses. 冷眼旁观勾心斗角,人说“有人的地方就有江湖”,淡定的女人可以避江湖之险,因为不看重得失。 kekenet Between gains and losses, reveals the character of a person, a person's interpretation of the noble and petty, writing with a person's value. 得失之间,彰显着一个人的品格,诠释着一个人的崇高与渺小,书写着一个人的价值。 tradeask Then summing up the gains and losses of our country over the past derivatives trading, a more perfect and efficient regulatory system would be to set up. 再通过总结我国过去发展衍生交易的经验得失,这样将有助于建立较为完善和高效的监管体系。591-lw There lay great limitations to weigh the gains and losses of economic benefits with the balance of trade. 贸易差额在衡量经济利益得失上存在严重局限性。 cnki |