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gain power短语⁶⁰⁸⁶⁹ 基本例句 增大功率 One of these new entrants may one day gain power. 这些新的参选人中终有一天会有人得势。 ecocn No one can be certain that if Islamists gain power they will give it up at the ballot box, but secular rulers sometimes fail that test. 没人能够肯定一旦伊斯兰教徒掌权,他们是否会在选举落败时主动下台,不过有时连非宗教领导人都无法做到这一点。 ecocn Some of these thoughts stay longer, gain power, and affect the life of the person thinking them. 有些想法停留的时间久一点,势力渐长,甚至影响到有这些想法的人。 yeeyan We promote democracy, and watch Islamists gain power from Iraq to Palestine. 我们推进民主,却眼睁睁看着伊斯兰极端分子在伊拉克和巴勒斯坦掌权。 yeeyan You can gain power by recognizing the point I mentioned before about howfor lack of a better word selfish people are. 你可以从我前面提到的一些要点比如有关自私的人是怎么样的,开始着手。 yeeyan |