

单词 gagnon
释义 gagnon
“ If China would step back, let the dollar fall and stop buying Treasuries, the Fed would step in,” Gagnon said.
“如果中国此时退出,放任美元走弱并停止购买美国国债,美联储将介入。” 嘉侬说。 yeeyan

“ We believe it is important that the government be held accountable for its involvement in the tobacco industry, ” said Eric Gagnon, a spokesman for Imperial Tobacco.
“我们认为重要的是,政府应当承担涉足烟草业的责任,”帝国烟草的发言人埃里克·卡尼昂说。 tobaccochina

But Gagnon noted that part of that shift, at least in the case of some users, may be as much perception as reality.
但是盖格农提醒说,这次转变的部分至少对于部分客户而言可能给人现实一样的感觉。 www.i21st.cn

Her island, Ile Gagnon, is located in Quebec’s Mille Iles River.
她的岛屿, Ile Gagnon,位于魁北克的 Mille Iles河中。 yeeyan

Joe Gagnon, CEO of the Andover, Massachusetts-based firm, says he believes Exit41's solution will become more common.
位于马萨诸塞州 Andover公司首席执行官 Joe Gagnon说,他相信 Exit41的解决方案将变得更加普遍。 yeeyan

McNally- Gagnon is also a musician, who is often infected, which is why she wanted to better understand how and why it occurs.
同时身为音乐家的麦克纳利加格农也深受其害,因此她希望对这一现象如何产生及原因有进一步了解。 yeeyan




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