

单词 ambling
释义 am·bling 英'æmbl美'æmbl COCA⁵³⁸⁷¹BNC⁵¹³¹⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
a leisurely walk usually in some public place
walk leisurely近义词 walk步行slow慢的pace速度mosey漫步mooch乞讨stroll闲逛wander漫步saunter闲逛promenade散步slow pace慢速perambulation徘徊constitutional宪法的

用作名词The horse is walking at an amble.这匹马正在溜蹄行走。用作动词He cameamblingdown the road.他沿路溜溜达达地来了.
Every evening,they amble along the bank.这匹马正在溜蹄行走。verb.walk casually
同义词 drift,loiter,meander,mosey,ramble,sashay,saunter,stroll,toddle,wanderankle,boogie,dawdle,gander,percolatehoof it
反义词 go directrun,stay And in New Jersey, a black bear is ambling just a little too close for comfort. He was spotted this morning wandering not far from a high school.
在新泽西,人们今天上午发现一头黑熊在一所高中附近游荡,给学生的生活带来不安全因素。 putclub

Mall walking, or ambling around a shopping center for exercise, has become a major fitness option in the US, and not just for senior citizens, Reuters reported.
据路透社报道,在商场暴走已成为美国大众的重要健身方式,而不仅仅是老年人的专利。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

A toothless old man came ambling up to them, pointing, with a rather wicked grin, at an old rowboat bobbing in the iron-gray water below them.
一个没牙的老头蹒跚地向他们走过来,脸上邪邪地笑着,手指向了漂浮在铁青色的海水之上的一艘旧划船。 w278797.sa9.ufhost.com

But short of photographing a cow or some other life form ambling among the rocks, Curiosity is not going to discover life.
但是在拍摄到一只母牛或是一些其他的生命形式漫步在岩石之间,好奇就没有再发现生命。 blog.sina.com.cn

East Coast rail travel appeared to be running smoothly, too. New York's usually frenetic Pennsylvania Station seemed sedate on Monday, with people ambling to their trains.
东岸铁路旅行看来也非常顺利。纽约通常很火爆的宾夕法尼亚车站周一的时候似乎很平静,人们都不慌不忙的进入火车。 blog.sina.com.cn

He was ambling along the road.

He came ambling down the road.
他沿路溜溜达达地来了。 websaru

I spent a gloriously lazy sun- drenched afternoon, ambling from teahouse to teahouse, sampling a range of delicious Yunnan teas.
我度过一个沐浴在阳光里的懒懒的下午,从一家茶馆度到另一家茶馆,品尝多种云南香茗。 yeeyan

Later that week we were driving home and I noticed three fat raccoons ambling down the road.
那周晚些时候,我们开车回家,我注意到三只肥胖的浣熊在路上休闲地逛着。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Net- ambling which is a newly emerging way of gambling, compared with the traditional gambling crime, is more destructive and can be better concealed.
网络赌博作为新兴的赌博方式,其犯罪与传统赌博犯罪相比,危害性更大、隐蔽性更强。 cnki

Next time you're ambling down the produce aisle, keep an eye out for some of the smallest and little- known food superheroes— dark berries.
下一次,当你在果蔬市场闲逛时,请留意身形娇小且不为人知的食品超级英雄——黑草莓。 yeeyan

Since then, Google has struggled, and its stock performance looks more like other ambling tech giants.
但从那以后,谷歌公司艰难前行,股价表现更像一些发展缓慢的技术巨头企业。 cjzg

Studies in rats show that leg muscles only produce this molecule when they are actively being flexed for example, when the animal is standing up and ambling about.
对老鼠的研究显示,腿上的肌肉只有在它们在剧烈收缩时才会生成这种分子。 例如,当动物站着和走来走去时。 yeeyan

Weirder still, Vivian and Wilson get out at their chosen stop and then walk, ambling through districts that feel chipped and defaced, both half forgotten and half built.
威尔逊和薇薇安怪异依旧,他们走出地铁站,然后又漫无目的地游走在街上,感到彼此之间有些东西磨损,碎裂,一半被忘却,一半被建立。 yeeyan

When I saw Mike lazing in the sun, for example, or Count Dracula ambling past, it was like meeting a friend.
当我看到麦克在晒太阳,或德古拉伯爵慢慢经过的时候,我就像见到朋友一样。 yeeyan

When ambling along the frontier solidarity, he fell down and stopped breathing forever for infected with smallpox.
当他独自一个人在国境上缓缓而行的时候,他因为被传染了天花无力前行,最终停止了呼吸。 blog.sina.com.cn

Yet too often the character breaks into ambling arias recalling days gone by or the latest communications from her son.
但是,这部作品将缓缓的咏叹调过于频繁地运用到了角色回忆过去或与死去儿子交流的场景。 yeeyan

You spend your first couple of Saturday afternoons ambling around among the dusty shelves, savoring a page or a chapter as you please.
前几个星期六的下午,你可以在灰蒙蒙的书架前溜达溜达,只要愿意,就可以细细品味一页或一章。 blog.sina.com.cn

You can also check what's nearby on the chromosome by ambling a specific number of base pairs one way or the other along the double helix.
您还可以检查什么就在附近的染色体由安布林一个碱基对这种或那种方式沿着双螺旋其他具体的数字。 bugutang




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