

单词 ambitions
释义 ambitions 英æm'biʃənz美æm'biʃənz COCA¹⁰³⁵³BNC⁶³⁰⁷Economist²⁴⁶⁴
n.野心⁵²;雄心⁴³;抱负ambition的复数形式;理想原型ambition的复数 In my eight months in office, I have been impressed by the commonality of health challenges, and the common ambitions of health leaders, seen all around the world.
我在职的这八个月中,对各种卫生挑战的共性,以及世界各地所见的卫生领导人的共同抱负映像很深。 who

The nature of the Tory offer reflects the constraints of circumstance and genuine long-term ambitions, as well as some timidity.
托利党计划的性质反应了环境带来的限制和他们真正长期的雄心,当然还有一些胆怯。 ecocn

Where do they come from, and what are their wildest ambitions?
他们来自何方?他们最大的雄心何在? yeeyan

As a Liverpool player you have to have these ambitions.
作为一名利物浦球员,你必须有这样的雄心。 yeeyan

Brought up in the family of a building worker, education led him to develop different interests and ambitions from his father.
他在一个建筑工人的家庭里长大,他所受的教育使他产生了不同于父亲的兴趣和抱负。 hjenglish

But the green ambitions of other clubs have been foiled.
但是其他俱乐部的绿色野心有的已经失败了。 yeeyan

But it was true to his ambitions.
但这样的安排合乎他的雄心。 tesoon

But she also had ambitions within it.
但她对政府内部事务也颇有野心。 yeeyan

He was betrayed by social ambitions into irreparable folly.

He always postpones his private ambitions to the public welfare.

It also created an opening for Iran, another non- Arab power with vital interests in the region, to promote its own ambitions.
这也为伊朗另一个在此区域拥有重大利益的非阿拉伯大国促进其自身野心的实现创造了机会。 ecocn

It involves reading your work to people who share your ambitions— or delusions.
它涉及到给那些愿意与你分享你的野心或妄想的人读你的作品。 yeeyan

Like many of the other DIY processor folks, he started small but. Over time, the design and his ambitions for it grew.
和其他 DIY处理器的高手类似,一开始的项目都很小,但设计量和他的雄心都随着时间的推移而增长。 yeeyan

My country must stand with yours and with Europe in sending a direct message to Iran that it must abandon its nuclear ambitions.
我的国家必须与你们的国家、与欧洲站在一起,给伊朗发出一个直接信号:它必须放弃核野心。 cri

So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to- do lists will all expire.
因此,你的希望、抱负、计划以及行动日程表也将全部结束。 ebigear

Starting with a good foundation allows us to be bolder in our ambitions and tougher in the way we assess our impact.
从良好的基础出发,使我们能够有更大的雄心并以更严格的方式评估我们的影响。 who

That is one of the terrorists’ short-term ambitions; they have already scored a small victory in the shape of the numerous roadblocks that began reappearing two months ago.
这也是恐怖分子短期野心之一。他们已经以设置无数路障的方式取得了小小的胜利,这一现象是两个月前开始反复出现的。 ecocn

That will surely assist us in meeting the ambitions and hopes of poor people in Africa and around the world.
这样无疑会有助于我们不辜负非洲以及世界各国贫困人民的雄心和希望。 worldbank

You yield your rights, expectations, dreams, plans, and ambitions to him.
为此你向他放弃你的权利、期待、梦想、计划、抱负。 ebigear




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