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FVM 基本例句 =familial visceral myopathy 家族性内脏肌病 The equations are solved numerically by explicitFVMtechnique.采用非规则网格显式有限体积法进行数值求解。 FVMhas high accuracy due to avoiding the rezoning.ButFVMneeds a long time computation.FVM避免了网格再划分问题,模拟精度高,但计算时间长。 Time-marching scheme ofFVMhas been widely used in the turbomachinery flow prediction.时间推进的有限体积方法被广泛用于叶轮机械内部流场分析,并取得了良好的效果。 Then the extrusion process of an aluminum decoration part in windows was simulated byFVM.然后采用该数值模拟方法, 对铝合金门窗型材的挤压成形过程进行了仿真。 Seta E . Hydroplaning Analysis by FEM andFVM: Effect of Tire Rolling and Tire Pattern on Hydroplaning\\; .JSAE SYMPOSIUM No.庄继德.;现代汽车轮胎技术\\\\; |