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词汇 ambiguous
释义 am·big·u·ous 英æmˈbɪgjuːəs美æmˈbɪgjuəsAHDăm-bĭgʹy›-əs ★☆☆☆☆高四六研GIMST宝6八COCA⁹⁹⁶³BNC⁷¹⁶⁴iWeb¹¹¹⁵⁵Economist¹¹⁹⁷⁰

引起歧义的; 模棱两可的,含混不清的

having more than one possible meaning; uncertain in meaning or intention


not clearly stated or defined

open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or often intended to mislead;

an equivocal statement

the polling had a complex and equivocal or ambiguous message for potential female candidates

the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness

popularity is an equivocal crown

an equivocal response to an embarrassing question

having more than one possible meaning;

ambiguous words

frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy

having no intrinsic or objective meaning; not organized in conventional patterns;

an ambiguous situation with no frame of reference

ambiguous inkblots

ambiguous, doubtful, dubious

这三个词都有“说不准”的意思, ambiguous指“不明朗”“有多种解释的”; 而dubious和doubtful指人时意为“对…拿不准,有怀疑”,指物时表示情况不稳定,好坏难定。

ambiguous, obscure

这两个词都有“含糊的”“模棱两可的”意思。ambiguous指字词、语句、文章等由于多种解释的词而又对其确切含意未作说明而使意义模棱两可、含混不清; obscure可指字迹、道路等由于某种原因如语气本身不清,理解有误等而模糊不清,也常用作比喻,表示难以理解。















使用ambiguous 一词的第一人似乎是英国人文主义者奠尔 Sir Thomas More,1477 -1535,他在《关于异端的对话》A DiaLogue Concerning Heresies,1528一书中写道:“If it were now doubtful and ambiguous whether the church of Christ were in the right rule of doctrine or not.”该词来自拉丁语ambiguus‘doubtful’,而ambiguus又是从动词ambigere‘go/drive round’派生出来的。其成分ambi-含有both ways二者,二之意,故ambiguous被用以表示“模棱两可的”或“含糊其词的”。 ambi-已被作为前缀吸收到英语中来,用以构成新词,如ambisextrous不分男女的,对两性都有吸引力的,ambidextrous两手都善用的等。
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词ambiguous answer模棱两可的回答ambiguous attitude暧昧的态度ambiguous character难以捉摸的人ambiguous future不明朗的前景ambiguous gesture用意含糊的手势ambiguous glance意向不明的一瞥ambiguous insect难以归类的昆虫ambiguous position暧昧的立场ambiguous reply模棱两可的回答ambiguous sentence歧义句ambiguous shape模糊的形状ambiguous smile用意含糊的微笑ambiguous statement模棱两可的说法~+介词sentence ambiguous in sense意义含糊的句子
词根ag-动, 移动, 活动,驱动,行动,作用,做事 来自拉丁语,过去分词形式为act-。它和希腊词根agon-竞赛,竞争及agog-引领,驱动最终都源自原始印欧语词根*ag-动。
GRE红宝书ambi二方面, guous做...的-做二件事的-含糊的
ambi 两,模棱两可 + 音:过,两边都说得过去,含糊其词
ambi二+guous做… 的 →做二件事的→含糊的
amb在周围,环绕+ig=ag,移动+u连接字母,在此不可或缺+ous形容词后缀,有很多…的→有很多个延展可能向四周多个方向移动的⇒模棱两可的,引起歧义的。非常记忆am上午〖熟词〗+big大的〖熟词〗+u桶〖编码〗+ous藕丝〖拼音〗⇒含糊不清地说要在上午往大桶里装藕丝词根记忆amb周围+ig走+uous形容词后缀→在周围走动的→模棱两可的词根记忆ambi两边+gu-ous拥/具有…的→两边都想顾→模棱两可的词根记忆ambi二+ guous做…的→ 两件事都想做 ⇒含糊的近义词 vagueunclearuncertain反义词clearfrankdirectobviousdefinite
~+ n.It's an ambiguous statement.这是一个含混不清的说法。
This is an ambiguous sentence.这是个歧义句。
“Indian” is an ambiguous word because it can refer to an American Indian or a native of India. “Indian”是个意义不明确的词,因为它既可以指一个美国印第安人,又可以指印度人。
He began to use ambiguous language.他开始隐约其词起来。
He kept making ambiguous remarks instead of straight forward yes-or-no replies.他连续地讲些模棱两可的话,而不是作出明确的肯定或否定的回答。
It was hoped that he would clarify the ambiguous remarks he made earlier.希望他能澄清以前做出的含糊言论。
That's a rather ambiguous answer—what exactly do you mean?那是个非常含糊的回答,你到底意思如何?
They've always had ambiguous feelings about whether or not they should have children.他们对于是否应该有孩子这一问题的想法总是不明确。n. +~There is nothing ambiguous in his answer.他的答案清楚明白。
S+be+~The title of this chapter is ambiguous.这一章的标题含意模糊。
The wording of the agreement is ambiguous, so both interpretations are valid.协议的措词很含糊,因此两种解释均有效。
The wording of the law is highly ambiguous.这项法律的措词非常含糊。
His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous.他对我的问题回答得有些含糊。
Her account was deliberately ambiguous.她的陈述故意含混不清。
His role has always been ambiguous.他的作用一直不明确。
Their position in society remains ambiguous.他们在社会中的位置仍不明确。S+be+~+ prep. -phraseThis sentence is ambiguous in sense.这个句子意思不清楚。
The government has been ambiguous on this issue.政府在这一问题上模棱两可。S+be+~+to- vHer speech was deliberately ambiguous to avoid offending either side.她的演讲故意含糊其词,以免冒犯任何一方。
S+V+O+~In explaining his stand, he only made everything more ambiguous than it had been to begin with.在解释他的立场时,他只是将一切都搞得比开始时更加含混不清。Punambiguousa.不含糊的明确的Pinherently-ambiguous固有二义的固有歧义的固有多义的先天歧义的




用作形容词He gave us anambiguousanswer .他给了我们一个模棱两可的答复。
In fact, yourambiguouswords amount to a refusal.实际上,你说的那些模棱两可的话等于是拒绝。
Her account was deliberatelyambiguous.她的陈述故意含混不清。
Why are you always soambiguousabout this problem?为什么你总是对这个问题含糊不清?adj.having more than one meaning
同义词 cryptic,dubious,enigmatic,equivocal,inconclusive,obscure,opaque,puzzling,questionable,uncertain,unclear,vagueclear as dishwater,doubtful,enigmatical,indefinite,indeterminate,inexplicit,muddy,multivocal,polysemous,tenebrous,unintelligible
反义词 certain,clear,definite,determined,known,obvious,plain,sure,unambiguous,understandable,unquestionableexplicit,lucid
backhandedadjective underhanded
borderlineadjective inexact
crypticadjective secret;obscure in meaning
deceptiveadjective dishonest
deviousadjective crooked;indirect
dodgyadjective evasively tricky
ambiguous,chancy,crafty,cryptic,cunning,deceptive,deviant,dicey,dishonest,evasive,guileful,knavish,risky,shaky,shifty,sly,tricky,unreliable,unsafe,untrustworthy,wily The pair are said to have had an “ ambiguous” relationship and were probably lovers said Silvano Vincenti, chairman of the committee.
文化遗产委员会主席席尔瓦诺.文森特说达芬奇和他的这个学徒关系“暧昧”,很有可能是情侣。 yeeyan

The code uses a message that is more ambiguous in this case, because for security reasons you don't want to tell just anyone which field was incorrect.
在本例中,代码使用了一个较为模糊的消息,考虑到安全原因,您不能告诉任何人那个字段是不正确的。 ibm

After reading a passage about an ambiguous social interaction, people who had played with the rough puzzle rated the interaction as harsher and more negative.
在读了一段有关含糊的社会活动的话之后,那些猜了粗糙的谜语的人们,对于该社会活动的评价更严厉和负面。 yeeyan

All of that said, ambiguous data structures can be valuable.
大家都说,含糊不清的数据也可能有价值。 ibm

Based on past experience, we knew that most feature and system defects we discovered in testing resulted from ambiguous requirement definitions.
根据过去的经验,我们知道通过模糊的需求定义,特性和系统缺陷会大量出现在测试结果里。 ibm

But in truth, my grammar has a lot of problems when it encounters ambiguous phrases.
不过说实话,当遇到含糊的短语时,我的语法会有很多问题。 ibm

But this could be ambiguous because these do not come from a controlled vocabulary.
但因为这些值不是来自于受控词汇表的,所以可能比较含糊。 ibm

But were they to live together, these responsibilities can become ambiguous, and the resulting suffering can damage the kids even more.
但是当父母住在一起的时候,这些责任就变得模糊了起来。由此造成的后果对孩子的影响更大。 yeeyan

Documentation can be ambiguous in the most insidious ways.
文档可能有很多模糊不清的微妙之处。 infoq

He interprets a “ pilot error” or“ customer mistake” as something ambiguous or vague not intuitive in the product.
他将“实验错误”或“客户过失”解释为产品中的含糊或模糊的东西不是直观的。 ibm

His answer was ambiguous.

If the stakeholders think that the specified requirements are incomplete, ambiguous, or even contradictory, they can give their comments so that the project team can adjust accordingly.
如果涉众认为指定的需求是不完整的、模糊的甚至自相矛盾的,那么他们给给出他们的评论,这样项目团队可以进行相应的调整。 ibm

Nietzsche describes the moralization of the word should inflict which are ambiguous between the moral and pre moral sense.

Notwithstanding the ambiguous responses, the British and Irish governments clearly had created pressure on all the parties to work with them for peace.
尽管各方反应暧昧,但英国政府和爱尔兰政府显然对所有各方都施加了压力,让他们为了和平,与政府合作。 yeeyan

Perhaps, but the contrast is ambiguous and unclear.
也许可以,但对比却是模糊不清的。 yeeyan

Perhaps my confusion about where I fit in the middle- class spectrum is because the term middle class is such an ambiguous one.
可能我对自己处于中产阶级的哪一部分的混淆是由于术语——中产阶级是如此的模糊不清。 yeeyan

Since the entire problem domain of SOA is plagued with ambiguous terminology, let us start with laying out some key definitions.
既然整个 SOA问题域都充斥着模糊的术语,那么我们就先提出一些关键定义吧。 infoq

The meanings and use of some shorthands have changed over time, others are sometimes ambiguous or have several meanings that are used depending on context, region or reporting unit.
这些速记的意思和用法都不是一样的,有时候它们是含糊不清的,而有时候就根据上下文,区域和报道的单元而拥有不同的意思。 yeeyan

The coalition Mr Obama marshalled in2008 around the alluring but ambiguous banner of“ change” will splinter.
奥巴马在2008年围绕诱人却又模糊的“变革”旗帜建立的联盟将会破碎。 yeeyan

We show in this section that both terms are ambiguous and not helpful in describing the nature of the service bus or the integration layer.
在本节中,我们要说明这两个术语的含义都很模糊,对于描述服务总线或集成层的性质没有帮助。 ibm

When it comes to unexpected heartache and tragedy, our appetite for unraveling the meaning of these ambiguous“ messages” can become ravenous.
当牵涉到意外的心痛和悲剧的时候,我们会贪婪的想要阐明这些模糊“信息”的含义。 yeeyan




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