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词汇 Fu Xi
释义 Fu Xi
Fu Xiobtained it, and was able to reveal the secrets of immortality.伏羲氏得之,他获得了永生的秘密;
From the period ofFu Xito the Dynasties of Xia and Shang, Yi Trigrams developed for more than eight thousand years.自伏羲时代经炎黄时代到夏商时代,数字易卦走过了它五千馀载的漫长历程。
Inferring from the scientific nature of the I Ching, it may just be possible thatFu Xiwas an extraterrestrial.如果伏羲真的是汉族人的第一个祖先,那他的代怎能把他描述成一个怪物呢?
Ages and ages ago,Fu Xiassigned to the existing patterns emblematic implic ation from two Yi's and four Xiang's of Yin Yang.远古的伏羲 ,只是将这样的现成图像赋予了阴阳两仪与四象的含义。
I add my message onFu Xiand I-Ching.Fu Xiis one of the candidates for the inventor of Chinese characters.下面加上我关伏羲的主要看法。伏羲是汉字的发明者之一。
Chang-Er’s friend Luo Pin , who is the daughter of ImmortalFu Xi, is also mesmerized by Hou Yi.擅射的天神后羿耿直刚烈,经常面斥众神妄顾人间疾苦,故备受排挤。最终被贬凡间,因缘巧合之下,认了凡人做父母,过起凡人的生活来。




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