释义 |
furter 基本例句 n.弗特 Thefurtershould be sparyed pesticide periodically.果树应定期喷洒农药. We must gofurterback in history to find out the names of the two other kings.我们要想找到其它两个国王的名字,必须退回到更久远的历史里去。 Look at the relationship between the tree and its environment and you will see thefurterof the tree .了解这个树与其环境的关系,你就可以预见它的未来。 And going backfurter,I can still recall things about the planets that I should have long ago forgotten if not for the enthusiasm of my second?grade teacher,Miss Sorchiotti.时光倒流,我现在仍依稀记得许多星体的情况,这要感激二年级时的索奇蒂小姐,没有她激情洋溢的讲课,我可能早就忘得一干二净了。 And going backfurter, I can still recall things about the planets that I should have long ago forgotten if not for the enthusiasm of my second?grade teacher,Miss Sorchiotti.时光倒流,我现在仍依稀记得许多星体的情况,这要感激二年级时的索奇蒂小姐,没有她激情洋溢的讲课,我可能早就忘得一干二净了。 |