释义 |
Furano 基本例句 n.富良野在日本;东经 142º24' 北纬 43º21' We went toFuranoFarm but it's no Laverdar flower now.咁现在七色花田有无其他花? English: Farm Tomita is a famous sight-seeing spot in NakaFurano, Hokkaido.中文:富田农场是一个为在日本北海道中富良野的观光农场。 The color pattern of the word “North” reflects something related toFurano.道字除左代表美瑛,同样我都想表达道路的意思。 Summary: English: Farm Tomita is a famous sight-seeing spot in NakaFurano, Hokkaido.中文:富田农场是一个为在日本北海道中富良野的观光农场。 I started off from Sapporo, driving east toFuranoto drink in the sight of my favourite lavender fields.I finally made my last stop on this short trip to Japan at Otaru - a very romantic city indeed.我从札幌出发;向东驱车赶往富良野;一路沉浸在我最喜爱的薰衣草的香味中.;最后;我把这次日本之旅的最后一站留在了小樽----一座以浪漫闻名的城市 |