

单词 funnier
释义 fun·ny 英'fʌni美'fʌni COCA³¹⁵⁶²BNC³⁵⁴²⁸

a person or thing that is funny makes you laugh or smile


strange or surprising


slightly unwell

an account of an amusing incident usually with a punch line;

she told a funny story

she made a funny

arousing or provoking laughter;

an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls

an amusing fellow

a comic hat

a comical look of surprise

funny stories that made everybody laugh

a very funny writer

it would have been laughable if it hadn't hurt so much

a mirthful experience

risible courtroom antics

beyond or deviating from the usual or expected;

a curious hybrid accent

her speech has a funny twang

they have some funny ideas about war

had an odd name

the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves

something definitely queer about this town

what a rum fellow

singular behavior

not as expected;

there was something fishy about the accident

up to some funny business

some definitely queer goings-on

a shady deal

her motives were suspect

suspicious behavior

experiencing odd bodily sensations;

told the doctor about the funny sensations in her chest
















用作形容词 adj.
~+名词funny man有趣的人funny movie滑稽电影funny stories有趣的故事
近义词 comicjollysillyamusingcomicaldubiousunusualhumorouspuzzlinglaughablesuspiciousentertaining反义词 sadsolemnunfunny
~+ n.He is a very funny man.他是一个很风趣的人。
Children like funny stories.孩子们喜欢听有趣的故事。
I heard such a funny story this morning.我今天早晨听到了这样一则趣闻。
The entertainment consisted of comic songs, dances and acrobatic performance, and wound up with a screamingly funny farce.娱乐的节目包括滑稽歌曲、舞蹈和杂技,最后是一场令人捧腹大笑的滑稽闹剧。
The children were immensely diverted by his funny stories.孩子们被他的幽默故事逗得乐不可支。
He ended off his speech with a very funny joke.他用一个十分有趣的笑话结束了讲演。
The little girl diverted the people at the party with her funny sayings.在晚会上这位小姑娘说笑话使人们高兴。
She couldn't help laughing when she heard the funny story.当她听到这可笑的故事时,禁不住笑了起来。
He has a funny temper.他有奇特的习性。n. +~There is something funny about the matter.这件事有些稀奇古怪。
S+be+~Sometimes he is funny, sometimes he seems like a poet.有时他很滑稽,有时他又像个诗人。
They thought my father was funny, but I didn't.他们觉得我父亲爱逗乐,但我并不这么想。
I'm just waiting for a friend.It's an appointment made twenty years ago.It sounds a little funny, doesn't it?我只是在此等个朋友,这是20年前的约会,听起来有点可笑,不是吗?
I must look funny in this nurse's cap.我戴这顶护士帽看起来一定很滑稽。
He told the doctor that he felt funny all over .他告诉医生,他浑身感到不舒服。
She always feels a bit funny if she looks down from a height.她从高处往下看,总觉得有点不舒服。
That drink has made me feel quite funny.我喝了那种饮料很不好受。
That's funny—he was here a moment ago and now he's gone.真是怪事——他刚才还在这里,转眼就走了。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseI warned that boy not to get funny with his girl classmates.我警告那男孩不要对他的女同学无理取闹。S+be+~+to- vThe story is funny to listen to.那故事听起来很可笑。
The picture is funny to look at.那图片看起来滑稽可笑。
It is funny to spend borrowed money on such a luxurious car.用借来的钱买一辆这么豪华的汽车真是滑稽可笑。It is/was+~+that/wh-clauseIt is funny that an 18-year-old lady should fall in love with a 70-year-old man.一个18岁的姑娘竟会爱上一个70岁的老头真是滑稽可笑。
It was funny how I met him.我怎样遇见他是很滑稽的。
S+V+O+~Don't you consider it funny to wear jewels borrowed from others to a party?带着从别人那里借来的珠宝去参加舞会,你难道不认为很可笑吗?





用作形容词The story was veryfunny.这个故事非常可笑。
He closed his speech with afunnyjoke.他用一则有趣的笑话结束了演讲。
Her hair was done up in a veryfunnyway.她的头发非常滑稽地盘在头上。
Myfunnydrawings amused the children.我的滑稽的图画把孩子们给逗乐了。
Afunnything happened to me today.今天我遇见个莫名其妙的事。
He won't stand for anyfunnybusiness here.他不准有任何不道德的事在这里发生。adj.comical, humorous
同义词 absurd,amusing,droll,entertaining,hilarious,ludicrous,playful,ridiculous,silly,whimsicalantic,gas,gay,humdinger,jolly,killing,rich,riot,screaming,slapstickblithe,capricious,clever,diverting,facetious,farcical,for grins,gelastic,good-humored,hysterical,jocose,jocular,joking,knee-slapper,laughable,merry,mirthful,priceless,riotous,risible,side-splitting,sportive,waggish,witty
反义词 boring,logical,reasonable,sensible,serious,tiring,unfunny,wise,sad,unhappycommon,dramatic,melancholy,normal,standard,tragic,unamusing,usualadj.odd, peculiar
同义词 unusual,strange,mysterious,curious,weird,bizarrequeerdubious,fantastic,perplexing,puzzling,remarkable,suspicious
反义词 unfunnyunamusing,serious,sadregular,normal,familiar,commontragic,melancholy,dramaticusual,standard The funnier the cartoon, the more the women's nucleus accumbens lit up.
卡通画面越搞笑,女性大脑伏隔核被点亮的部分越多。 cri

There is nobody funnier than SJ Perelman.
没有人比他更有趣。 yeeyan

There's nothing funnier than watching a greenhorn in action.
没有什么比看一位没经验的新手表演更滑稽了。 dsqq

And the funnier the joke, the greater the activity.
而且,一个幽默越好笑,这个区域的活动强度就越大。 yeeyan

Being sexy couldn't be any funnier!
性感的再有意思了! www.yx123.net.cn

But, overall, cast expectations would lead audiences to expect something a little funnier and a little less silly.
但整体而言,电影的演员阵容使观众预期片中有更多有趣的场面及少一点傻气。 hkdavc

He is funnier, but sometimes fluffs his punch lines.
他更加风趣,但是有时候在点睛之笔的时候显得松软无力。 ecocn

His habit is funnier than mine.
他的习惯比我的更可笑。 nmhrjy

I'm funnier than Tara. And I'm more outgoing.
我比塔拉更加爱说笑,而且我更加喜欢外出。 ksyzs

In fact, as the movie races towards its climax, it gets funnier and funnier even as characters start hitting the ground like flies.
实际上,这部电影快步跑向高潮,就算是里面的角色一个一个像苍蝇一样掉在地上也阻挡不了它变得越来越好笑。 yeeyan

In recent years she has not given much impression of feeling anyone's pain but her own, though she is a funnier and warmer speaker than she gets credit for.
最近几年里,他给人的印象就是只关心自己而不知别人冷暖,尽管她比人们想象的更风趣更有人情味。 ecocn

It tells you something that this is one of the funnier bits in the film.
你从中可以了解到:这会是电影里最有趣的小角色之一。 www.china.org.cn

It makes the fun parts funnier and the scary parts scarier.
它让有趣的东西更有趣,吓人的东西更吓人。 hjenglish

It's a lot sexier, a lot funnier, and a lot more up-tempo than the last.
这张专辑会更性感、更有趣,比上一张专辑有更多的快歌。 enfamily

Lisa is funnier than I am.

Mr Supreme's jokes are funnier than John McCain's.
Supreme先生的玩笑比约翰•麦凯恩的更有趣。 ecocn

Of course I was confident. I like to play under pressure, that makes the game a lot more funnier!
当然了,我喜欢有压力的比赛,这让比赛更有意思。 efclan

Pedro is funnier than Paul.
佩德鲁比保罗更有趣。 yycjh1969.web-107.com

Remember, there is nothing funnier on earth than an old man who likes profanity.
要知道,在这世界上再没有比这样一位不满上帝的老头更有趣的存在了。 yeeyan




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