

单词 ambassadors
释义 ambassadors æmˈbæsədəz COCA²²¹³³BNC¹⁵⁸⁴³Economist⁹⁷⁴⁶
n.大使ambassador的名词复数;派驻联合国等国际组织的代表;特使喻使者原型ambassador的复数 All volunteers first go through orientation sessions, which are followed with one of three more specific training tracks: horticulture, “ Ambassadors, ” and animal care.
所有的志愿者先要通过新成员训练,然后再在三种特殊训练规划园艺、“大使”和动物照料中选择一种。 yeeyan

But men are the rulers of our planet, the ambassadors of humanity; you cannot dispute this, and be truthful.
但男性是这个星球的统治者,是人类的大使,实话实说,这没有人能质疑。 yeeyan

By contrast, the article said, China appoints only“ pure” ambassadors with no conflicts of interest.
相反,文章写到,中国只任命没有利益冲突的“纯正”大使。 yeeyan

Could you tell the ambassadors of these countries to look at the bright side of China?
您可不可以请这些国家的大使多看看中国好的一面? www.chinadaily.com.cn

French officials said five European Union countries are summoning the Syrian ambassadors as part of an EU effort to quell the Syrian crackdown.
法国官员说,五个欧盟国家召回他们驻叙利亚的大使,这是欧盟制止叙利亚镇压努力的一部分。 tingvoa

Governments appoint ambassadors to perform services that no consumer wishes to buy.
没有消费者愿意购买政府委任的大使提供的服务。 yeeyan

Here in Geneva, I have held discussions with the ambassadors of many countries.
在日内瓦,我与许多国家的大使举行了讨论。 who

I have also exchanged views with dozens of ministers, ambassadors and even Presidents and Prime Ministers, from every continent.
我也与各大洲的几十位部长、大使,甚至总统和首相交换了意见。 worldbank

Li also exchanged views with the two ambassadors on international and regional issues of common interest.
李外长与两位大使还分别就共同关心的国际和地区问题交换了意见。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Still, pressure is mounting on the interim government, as Spain and France recalled their ambassadors to Honduras.
但是,对临时政府的压力在继续增加,西班牙和法国召回了本国的大使。 ebigear

Ten years ago, he served and I served on a school reform board that was funded by one of Ronald Reagan's former ambassadors and close friends.
十年前,他和我都参加了一个学校的改革理事会,这个理事会是由前总统里根的一位大使和密友的基金资助的。 kekenet

These“ Student Ambassadors” will provide a human touch to our presence, giving millions of Chinese visitors the chance to meet an American close-up.
这些“学生大使”将为我们的展馆增加人情味,让数百万的中国参观者有机会近距离接触美国人。 putclub

This week she at last appointed the first crop of27 EU ambassadors, but she still lacks her most senior officials.
本周她终于认命了第一批欧盟大使,由27人组成,但是她仍旧没有委任最高官员。 ecocn

What about when the ambassadors spend their money on consumption?
可是,大使不是又用自己的钱去消费了吗? yeeyan

Ambassadors' consumption does not return to the mechanical engineers who would have been the original recipients of that money.
大使消费的钱不会回到机械工程师那里,他们才是原本应该得到这些钱的人。 yeeyan




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