

单词 funeral procession
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Srinagar, Kashmir: A neighbour of Zahid Farooq, the teenager shot dead by Indian security forces on Friday, mourns as his funeral procession passes by.
克什米尔,斯利那加:一名在周五遭到印度边防安全军射杀身亡的青少年扎西德·法鲁克的葬礼上,他的邻居为他的逝去而悲泣。 yeeyan

Tens of thousands of people, including most of India's leading politicians, attended his funeral procession in Kolkata.
成千上万的人,包括印度大部分主要的领导人,都参与了在加尔各答的吊唁活动。 ecocn

A woman at the Feb.18 funeral procession for a slain protester holds a sign that reads, “ We sacrifice our soul and blood for martyrs.”
一名妇女在2月18日举行的遇害示威者的送葬仪式上,高举标语:“我们愿为遇害者献出灵魂和鲜血。” yeeyan

A funeral procession filled the street.
送葬队伍挤满了街道。 editor.www.iciba.com

Designated mourners escorted the family funeral procession to the burial site, where the deceased was laid out amid candles and wafting incense.
特定的送葬人员护送家族出殡到埋葬地点,在这里死者被置于蜡烛和香气之中。 com

He walked at the head of the funeral procession, and every now and then wiped away his crocodile tears with a big handkerchief.
他走在送葬队伍的前头,还不时用一条大手绢抹去他那鳄鱼泪。 hjenglish

The 1st century historian Josephus Flavius described the tomb and Herod's funeral procession.
一世纪历史学家 Josephus Flavius曾经描述过希律王的墓穴和送葬队伍。 ebigear

The Bayeux tapestry shows the funeral procession of King Edward winding to the abbey.
贝叶挂毯表现了前往教堂为爱德华国王送葬的蜿蜒队列。 yeeyan

The next day we walked in his funeral procession for almost a mile, attended the memorial service, and paid our respects to Queen Noor, who was heartbroken.
第二天,我们跟随送葬队伍走了将近一英里,参加了悼念仪式,并问候了王后努尔。 yeeyan

The funeral procession choked up Lorna.
那送葬行列使洛娜流下了眼泪。 hotdic

The funeral procession leads down a normally busy street.
送葬的队伍沿着一条通常繁忙的街道行进。 www.voanews.com.cn

Thousands turned out to pay tribute to the“ people's princess” during her funeral procession.
数千人出现在她的送葬队伍中以对这个“人民的王妃”致敬。 yeeyan




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