

单词 amazon
释义 Am·a·zon 英ˈæməˌzɒn, -zən美ˈæməˌzɑn, -zənAHDămʹə-zŏn', -zən 高GCOCA²⁷⁹⁰⁴BNC¹⁵⁸⁸⁵iWeb⁷⁴⁸⁷

a large strong and aggressive womanGreek mythology one of a nation of women warriors of Scythia who burned off the right breast in order to use a bow and arrow more effectivelya major South American river; arises in the Andes and flows eastward into the South Atlantic; the world's 2nd longest river 4000 milesmainly green tropical American parrots在古希腊神话中Amazons乃居住于黑海沿岸小亚细亚或亚速海滨一带的女人族。为繁衍后代她们定期同邻族男人结合,然后再把男人送走,生下男孩送归其父一说杀死或弄成残废,生下女孩则留下练习武艺。Amazons骁勇,善骑射。据古代传说,Amazons为了便于拉弓射箭女孩右乳都被烙掉。一般认为,Amazon一词源于希腊语a‘without’没有加mazos‘breast’乳房,在希腊语中的原义是“无乳者”。然而词源学的这一考证未必可靠。在古希腊罗马的造型艺术中,Amazons的形象是肌肉丰满体态健美的美妇,并无残缺痕迹。有关Amazons的神话很多,在中世纪流传甚广。Amazons和希腊人打过许多仗,曾助特洛伊人作战。正是根据上述传说,后人遂用amazon 一词来指“魁梧而带男子气的女子”或“女战士”。据有些记载,南美洲第一大河Amazon亚马孙河也是据此得名的。1541年西班牙探险家奥雷拉纳Francisco de Orellana声称曾在这条河上遭一女人部族袭击,故而将此河命名为Amazon。amazon亚马逊河
a-不|无ma-不|无z,-on量⇒n.亚马逊河n.高大强壮的女人²⁵;n.希神亚马孙女战士;a-高大强壮的女人近义词 virago泼妇Amazon River亚马逊河

Some scientists hope to chart out that particular area of the Amazon.有些科学家希望对亚马孙河的那一特定区域进行勘察。
A member of any of a group of South American Indian peoples living along the coast of Brazil, in the Amazon River valley, and in Paraguay.图皮族居住在巴西,亚马孙河河谷和巴拉圭的南美洲印第安人的一个民族的成员 The future of e- reading lies in open e-book systems without DRM, and it is not clear how Apple or Amazon will take to that.
电子阅读的未来取决于一个没有 DRM的开放性电子书系统。苹果和亚马逊将如何做到这一点,这还是个未知数。 yeeyan

What should Amazon be doing in20 years?
亚马逊在未来20年里会做什么? yeeyan

“ I may not always like what Greenpeace does, but if it wasn’t for Greenpeace, there’d be no forest in the Amazon!” he roared.
“虽然我有时候不是很喜欢绿色和平做的那些事,但是如果没有绿色和平的话,亚马逊早就没有森林啦!”他咆哮道。 yeeyan

All recommendations are based on individual behavior, plus either the item itself or behavior of other people on Amazon.
所有的推荐都是基于个人行为的,再加上物品本身的信息或者是亚马逊其他用户的行为。 yeeyan

And in the interest of transparency, I should disclose that I thought about slipping my Amazon affiliate code into those links, but decided not to.
而且为了保持透明性,我应该坦白我曾考虑把我的亚马逊加盟代码放到那些链接里,但我没有那么做。 yeeyan

But bits and pieces of information from Amazon, its customers and cloud experts help to explain what happened.
但是从亚马逊零碎的信息片段,它的客户和云计算专家帮助我们解释到底发生了什么。 yeeyan

Customers of Amazon’s storage service, for instance, can have their data kept either in an American or a European data centre.
比如亚马逊的存储服务的客户就可以选择把他们的数据存储在美国或者欧洲的数据中心里。 yeeyan

I then pull up the Amazon Music Store and download some romantic tunes for tonight.
然后我打开亚马逊音乐商店并为今晚下载一些浪漫的乐曲。 yeeyan

I first went to the Amazon basin in 1974. At that time it was a real wild- west.
我是1974年第一次到亚马逊盆地的,当时这里是西部一处真正的荒野之地。 ebigear

If I like what I read, I'll purchase the print edition from Amazon or at my local bookseller.
如果我读了以后感觉不错,我就会从亚马逊或者附近的书店买它的实体书。 yeeyan

If all consumers are not buying any products from the Amazon, they will surely create other sorts of problems.
如果所有人消费者不再购买来自亚马逊的任何产品,他们的行为无疑会造成另外的问题。 yeeyan

If Amazon could cut out bookshops and sell books directly to the public, why should one not use the internet to let people place bets with one another?
如果亚马逊能够砍掉实体书店而将书直销到公众手中,那为什么其它公司不能通过互联网让人们互相下注赌博呢? ecocn

It takes information in the cloud and places it into another cloud, powered by Amazon Web Services.
它从一个云获得信息并把它放在另一个云里,采用亚马逊网络服务。 yeeyan

Moreover, anybody can now publish a book, through Amazon and a number of other services.
另外,人们现在也可以通过亚马逊和一些其它的服务出版自己的书。 ecocn

Since this was the first year they compiled the list, Amazon representatives told me that they had no expectations about which cities would be on it.
由于今年是亚马逊公司列出这份榜单的第一年,亚马逊的代表人员告诉我他们没有期望哪些城市会列入榜单。 hxen

The people of the Amazon have shown they are up for the fight to save our ecosystem.
亚马逊的人民已经表明了他们奋起反抗以拯救我们的生态系统。 yeeyan

There, I could continue my mission to walk the entire length of the Amazon river, without fear of attack.
因此,我能不用担心受到攻击而继续我徒步穿越整个亚马逊河的使命。 yeeyan

They persuade customers to entrust them with their credit cards— as both Amazon and Apple have done.
他们说服顾客们委托他们的信用卡来办事——正如亚马逊和苹果都这么做了。 yeeyan

THIS month Jennifer Balch will head into the Amazon rainforest of Mato Grosso state, in Brazil. She intends to set fire to it and find out what happens.
珍妮弗-巴尔什这个月即将深入巴西马托格罗索州的亚马逊雨林,她打算在那来一场人工火灾,然后看看会发生什么。 ecocn.org

Though it's far from giving the store away, Amazon has responded to the recession by keeping prices low and keeping up its good deals on shipping.
尽管离真正意义的零售商店这一目标还很远,但亚马逊已经通过保持低价位和良好的交易运行对衰退做出了响应。 yeeyan

Amazon declined to comment about the deal.
有关这一协议,亚马逊拒绝评论。 yeeyan

Amazon itself, meanwhile, did not exist15 years ago.
同时,亚马逊本身在15年前并不存在。 yeeyan




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