

单词 amazing
释义 amazing 英ə'meɪzɪŋ美ə'mezɪŋ ★★★☆☆小初高IT牛COCA²⁷⁰⁵BNC⁴¹⁸⁹iWeb⁹⁰³Economist¹⁰⁵⁵⁴


very surprising, especially in a way that makes you feel pleasure or admiration

令人高兴的; 使人快乐的

very pleasant or enjoyable

surprising greatly;

she does an amazing amount of work

the dog was capable of astonishing tricks

inspiring awe or admiration or wonder;

New York is an amazing city

the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight

the awesome complexity of the universe

this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath

Westminster Hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent

词根词缀: amaze使惊奇去掉e + -ing
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词amazing achievement惊人的成就amazing answer令人吃惊的回答amazing changes惊人的变化amazing courage惊人的胆量amazing development惊人的发展〔进展〕amazing discovery惊人的发现amazing extent令人惊恐的程度amazing performance惊人的表演amazing progress惊人的进步〔进展〕amazing success惊人的成功amazing talent令人惊奇的才能副词+~absolutely amazing非常令人难以置信
故事记忆平时很好 Bearing风度就有一个 Shortcoming缺点每年 Thanksgiving感恩节新店庆祝 Opening开张还未装 Airconditioning空调她就跑去 Shopping购物速度真是 Amazing令人惊讶的买回一堆 Pudding布丁非常记忆ama阿妈〖拼音〗+z鸭子〖编码〗+ing鹰〖谐音〗⇒阿妈养的鸭子被鹰吃了真是令人惊奇钱博士amaze使吃惊+ing现在分词形式⇒令人惊讶的
amaze使吃惊+ing现在分词形式⇒令人惊讶的。近义词 very很stony石头的awful糟糕的awing恐惧的highly高度地awesome可怕的unusual异常的fabulous极好的singular单数的alarming惊人的wonderful精彩的frightful可怕的startling惊人的remarkable非凡的marvellous惊奇的miraculous奇迹的prodigious巨大的stupendous惊人的astonishing惊人的fascinating迷人的unexpected想不到的stunning令人震惊的shocking使人震惊的marvelous令人惊异的preternatural异常的unprecedented空前的extraordinary非凡的incredible难以置信的astounding令人惊骇的bewildering令人困惑的unbelievable难以置信的mind-blowing引起幻觉的awe-inspiring令人敬畏的surprising令人惊讶的,出人意料的…mind-boggling令人难以置信的…staggering摇晃的
~+ n.She is an amazing engineer.她是位了不起的工程师。
He is a most amazing person.他是个不可思议的人物。
Her election victory was an amazing feat.她的选举胜利是一个令人吃惊的功绩。
He has amazing knowledge.他有令人惊叹的知识。
I think it's an amazing achievement.我觉得这是一项惊人的成就。
I think you are doing an amazing job with those children.我想你在和那些孩子们做一件了不起的事情。
I've just come back from Uganda, and it was a pretty amazing trip.我刚从乌干达回来,这真是一次相当令人惊叹的旅行。
We had an amazing time in Thailand.我们在泰国玩得非常开心。
He told me an amazing story.她告诉我一个令人惊奇的故事。
The amazing thing is that it was kept secret for so long.令人吃惊的是它被保守了这么长时间的秘密。
The new car goes an amazing speed.这辆新车开起来速度惊人。
Their last CD sold an amazing 2 million copies.他们上一张CD卖了惊人的200万张。
What an amazing coincidence!多么令人吃惊的巧合!
What an amazing film!多么了不起的一部影片啊!
What an amazing meal!多可口的一顿饭!
S+be+~This stain remover really works—it's amazing !这去污剂真起作用了——真令人吃惊!
This wine is really amazing.这葡萄酒的确好得惊人。
That's amazing, isn't it?真是令人惊叹,是不是?
The speed of the horses along the track was simply amazing.马在跑道上的速度简直令人难以置信。S+be+~+ prep. -phraseThis story will prove amazing to him.他会觉得这个故事很有趣的。S+be+~+to- vIt was amazing to watch them perform.他们的表演令人惊奇。
It's amazing to find you here.在这里见到你真令人惊讶。
It's amazing to think that the managing director is only 23.总经理只有23岁,想到这点真令人吃惊。It is/was+~+that/wh-clauseIt's amazing that no one else has applied for the job.再没有别人应聘这份工作,真令人吃惊。
It's amazing that she was able to solve the problem so quickly.她这么快就解决这个问题,真令人惊讶。
It's quite amazing that he should be so unaware of what's going on!他对正在发生的事居然毫不知情,这实在叫人感到诧异。
It's amazing that the palace has survived so long.令人惊奇的是,经过了这么长的时间宫殿居然还在。
It's amazing how quickly people adapt.人适应环境的速度真是惊人。
It's amazing how stupid people can be.让人吃惊的是人们竟然会如此愚笨。

amazing 是由动词amaze的现在分词转化而来的形容词,其词义与动词amaze相当。即“令人大为惊奇的”,尤指令人惊喜的、令人惊羡的或令人惊叹的。


用作形容词Just look at it. Isn't itamazing!你看看。真叫人惊叹!
We listened to heramazingstory with rapt attention.我们全神贯注地倾听她讲的惊人故事。
It wasamazingthat he knew nothing about the event.他对这个事件毫不知情,真让人感到诧异。
He had a series ofamazingadventures after he was flushed down the toilet.被冲进马桶后,他经历了一连串的奇妙冒险。
In the Olympic Games, Liu Xiang ran withamazingspeed and won the first place.在奥运会上,刘翔跑得飞快,以惊人的速度赢得了第一。adj.astonishing
同义词 awesome,fascinating,incredible,marvelous,prodigious,shocking,stunning,surprising,unbelievable,wonderful
反义词 bad,believable,credible,insignificant,ordinary,plausible,poor,unamazing
astonishingadjective surprising
awe-inspiringadjective magnificent
awesomeadjective excellent or outstanding
breathtakingadjective beautiful, awesome
extraordinaryadjective strange and wonderful
amazing,bizarre,boss,curious,exceptional,fab,fantastic,gnarly,heavy,inconceivable,incredible,marvelous,odd,off beaten path,out of the ordinary,outstanding,particular,peculiar,phenomenal,rare,remarkable,singular,special,strange,stupendous,surprising,terrific,uncommon,unfamiliar,unheard-of,unimaginable,unique,unprecedented,unthinkable,unusual,unwonted,weird,wicked
eye-poppingadjective surprising
amazing,astonishing,exciting,thrilling,wonderful And the rate at which the richest consume these things is amazing: Americans consume120kg of meat each per year; in the developing world they eat28kg.
最富有的人们消费这些东西的速度是惊人的:美国每人每年消费120公斤肉,而发展中国家的人每年消费28公斤肉。 yeeyan

There are only bodies, though when you've got a functioning body like ours, so the physicalist says, these bodies can do some pretty amazing things.
只有身体,尽管当我们有一个象我们这样的运行的身体,物质主义说,这些身体能做一些非常惊异的事。 yeeyan

What a privilege for me to have witnessed this amazing moment.
能够目睹这个时刻的惊人场面,使我感到很荣幸。 yeeyan

What was most surprising, however, was the amazing level of detail that the subjects had for all of these memories.
然而,最出乎意料的是,实验者们的这些记忆中表现出来的令人惊异的细节水平。 kekenet

A bee's brain is the size of a grass seed, yet in this brain are encoded some of the most complex and amazing behavioural patterns witnessed outside humankind.
虽然一只蜜蜂的头脑只相当于草籽那么大,但是这个脑袋能将看到的人类的一些最复杂和令人惊异的行为模式进行编码。 hjenglish

But what was even more amazing was the audience.
然而更令我们惊异的还是那些观众们. yeeyan

Even more amazing, they can be suspended in liquids and printed on flexible materials, allowing the cells to be places on any surface.
更神奇的是,它们既可悬浮在液体上,亦可印刷在游行材料上,这使得电池可以安置在任何表面上。 yeeyan

For one reason, our society is developing at an amazing speed along with the improvement of science and technology.
其中一个原因就是随着科学技术的不断进步,社会发展的速度也是惊人的。 hjenglish

He noticed that children have an amazing ability to learn new languages quickly.
他逐一到孩子们在快速学习新语言方面有着令人惊异的本领。 yeeyan

However, leptin did not turn out to be the amazing cure-all for which scientists, physicians, and patients had hoped.
然而瘦素并没有表现的像科学家,医师和病人所希望的那样,成为令人惊异的万灵药。 yeeyan

If this result is valid, it is an amazing breakthrough.
如果结果有效,那么这是一个惊人的进展。 yeeyan

In this new book he hits off the American temperament with amazing insight.
在这本新书里,他对美国人性格的描写表现出惊人的洞察力。 hxen

In our phone interview she told me her amazing story.
在我们的电话访谈里,她讲了她的神奇故事。 yeeyan

It's amazing what can happen when you walk out of the room.
当你走出房门,你会惊异于那些可能会发生的事情的。 yeeyan

Look around at all the amazing— and accelerating— achievements of consciousness.
看看所有令人惊异的——以及催化的——意识的成就。 yeeyan

Lucky for us, we had plenty of time to enjoy the amazing scenery.
幸运的是,我们有着充足的时间来欣赏这神奇的美景。 yeeyan

The animals are amazing because some are so cute and some are so ugly!
这些动物是有些惊人的,因为有些动物很可爱,有些却很丑陋。 hjenglish

They are all playing football. I was greatly touched. What is the most amazing feature of sports?
他们都在踢足球.我被深深打动了,体育运动最令人惊异的特征是什么? kekenet

This is an amazing keyboard that can be rolled up easy.
这是一个神奇的键盘,可以像春卷那样卷起来。 yeeyan

What they desperately needed and what we need, and what God, in amazing grace was ready to give, was forgiveness.
他们迫切需要和我们所需要的,以及惊人的上帝的恩典,是准备给被宽恕。 yeeyan

When you take a moment and really go back, it is amazing to think about.
当你花点时间真正回到过去的时候,想象的种种是令人惊异的。 yeeyan

Where are these amazing photos you say?
你说的这些神奇照片在哪里? yeeyan




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