

单词 functionless
释义 func·tion·less 英'fʌŋkʃn美'fʌŋkʃn 高COCA¹⁴¹⁵⁵⁸BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²iWeb⁵⁹⁹⁷⁰
CU功能; 作用; 职责

a natural or usual duty of a person or purpose of a thing

C函数; 与另一事物有密切关系的事物

a value which varies as another value varies; a quality or fact which depends on and varies with another


a public ceremony

vi. 工作,运行,起作用

work, operate

mathematics a mathematical relation such that each element of a given set the domain of the function is associated with an element of another set the range of the functionwhat something is used for;

the function of an auger is to bore holes

ballet is beautiful but what use is it?

the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group;

the function of a teacher

the government must do its part

play its role

a relation such that one thing is dependent on another;

height is a function of age

price is a function of supply and demand

a formal or official social gathering or ceremony;

it was a black-tie function

a vaguely specified social event;

the party was quite an affair

an occasion arranged to honor the president

a seemingly endless round of social functions

a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program
perform as expected when applied;

The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in

Does this old car still run well?

This old radio doesn't work anymore

serve a purpose, role, or function;

The tree stump serves as a table

The female students served as a control group

This table would serve very well

His freedom served him well

The table functions as a desk

perform duties attached to a particular office or place or function;

His wife officiated as his private secretary

function, action, agency


1.action和agency指一物〔事〕对另一物〔事〕的作用; 而function指物体自身的作用。


3.action和function是可数名词; 而agency是不可数名词,常用于短语by〔through〕 the agency of。

4.action是一般用词; agency和function是正式用词。

function, operate, work

这三个词都有“功能”“作用”的意思。其区别在于: operate更强调成功大于结果; work暗示成功、有效; function暗示某物之目的、任务和结果。







用作名词 n.
动词+~abuse one's function滥用职权attend a function出席社交聚会discharge one's function尽职exercise〔fulfil〕 function行使职责impair〔increase〕 the function削弱〔提高〕功能perform〔serve〕 function起作用形容词+~civic〔governmental〕 function公民〔政府〕的职责important function重大作用leading function主要职责organic function器官的功能periodic function周期函数primary function首要任务public function公务supreme function至高无上的任务useful function有益的作用vital function生命机能名词+~immunity function免疫功能~+名词function word功能词~+介词function of art艺术的作用
function as v.+prep.

担任,兼起作用fulfil the duty or purpose of

function as sthAn attributive noun functions as an adjective.定语性名词起形容词作用。近义词n. dutyrolev. act反义词 malfunction故障
用作名词n.They have the functions and powers in their hands.他们手里掌握着职权。
The brain performs a very important function; it controls the nervous system of the body.大脑起一种非常重要的作用,它控制着身体的神经系统。
The function of the stomach is to digest food sufficiently to enable it to pass into the intestine.胃的功能是充分消化食物,以便让其进入肠道。
What functions can this machine?这部机器有哪些功能?
In x =5 y , x is a function of y .在x=5y中, x是y的函数。
The size of the crop is a function of the quality of the soil and the amount of rainfall.庄稼收获量的多少与土质和雨量有着密切的关系。
He first met her at a social function.他是在一次社交集会上首次遇见她的。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe phone didn't function at all.这电话根本不能用。
The machine will not function properly if it is not kept well-oiled.机器没有上好油,就不会顺利地运转。


He first met her at a social function.他在一次社交集会上第一次见到她。

function作名词,可以指人的“职责”或物的“功能”。The function of a policeman is to preserve law and order.警察的职责是维护法律和治安。

The function of a clock is to tell the time.钟表的功能是报时。
Heads of state attend numerousfunctionsevery year.国家首脑每年要出席很多重大宴会。用作不及物动词A new tax and financial system wasfunctioningeffectively.新的财税体制有效运行。
He can't afford to pay the rent, so for now, his car will also function as his home.他付不起租金,所以目前他的车也当成他的家了。
During this mission, the command post isfunctioningprominently.此次任务中,指挥部的作用尤为突出。




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